Chapter thirty

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That gesture made me feel secure. Why?

Hmm.. my eyelids are starting to weigh. I slowly flutter my eyes closed.


I stretched with the sound of loud drums and trumpets playing as I sat up. Hmm.. they're practicing for later.

Oh God my nightgown rode up to my chest? Why am I such a messy sleeper? He couldn't have seen me this way, right?

I rolled it down as I stood up, looking at the window. I stretched more.

I fixed the bed and went to the bathroom. I stripped the nightgown off my body and as I walked past the mirror, I took a glimpse but I stopped when I caught some colors.

What was that? I took a few steps back and I gasped loud. Light purple and red colors decorated my body.. W-Why is my body full of hickeys!

Oh my God! I gripped my hair. How did I not sense him?? Was I that tired from yesterday?

I looked at my reflection and took steps away to study the hickeys.

They're just everywhere.. neck, collarbone, chest, breast, trails of it on my stomach, thighs..

Should I turn around..

I did and my God, he did not spare my whole back, thighs and ass. H-Holy hell.

No it must just be some sort of paint. I rubbed my neck hard and it's really not coming off. What was he thinking?

I hung my head low as I sighed. Then I walked to proceed to take a bath.

Standing in front of the closet, towel wrapped on my body, made me realize I can't go outside and stroll. No shirt or dress could cover the mass hickeys all over my neck.

I rubbed my palm on my face. I looked all over the room and saw a new painting on the wall. I went closer for a better view.

Somehow like an abstract, I could decipher a face of a woman and a flower.. that's just it. But the painting is so profound.

The painter must be ecstatic that the King bought this. I looked at the bottom left of the paint and the signature is hard to read.

I squinted more. I could only read the letter J..

I tilted my head more. Oh Jasmine! Wow! That woman is talented. I snapped my head to the door when it opened.

A mad aura of him instantly emitted around the room. He saw me then his expression lessend. Hmm. I went back to see my closet and just chose a random shirt and shorts.

I opened the bottom drawer and I got confused why my underwear seemed to be so.. thin? Wait why did all my underwear have to change. All the materials are thin now. "What?" I whispered to myself.

Others are silk, some are like lace?? What the? Wait, even the bras match it? Oh no, he shouldn't have.

"Practice on wearing those." I hugged the underwear when I was startled by him from behind me.

"Why are you still naked. Who were you waiting for?" Huh?? "No one, your Majesty."

"If i see you sucking someone's face again, i'll throw both your bodies in a pit fire." O-Oh my God. I turned around to look at him and nodded rapidly. That will never happen again.

His eyes trailed down and he smirked. I shamefully covered it with my arm. He went closer and whispered, "you were such a heavy sleeper, you didn't even feel me eat you."

"O-Oh my God!" I covered my face, feeling heat crawl on my face. I-I hope it was a lie!!

Oh my God! I don't want to sleep beside him anymore. I turned to go inside the bathroom as I felt so heated and ashamed but he took my arm.

The towel came loose and just fell on the floor. I shrieked and tried to pick it up but he pulled me and threw me on the bed.

"P-Please.." I murmured when he got on top of me. We can't.. I can't.

"The hues fit perfectly on your skin" his eyes trail the hickeys on my body and I screamed when he went down and sucked my breast. "Kyah!!"

I wriggled but he's unaffected by it. "Hnng!" I closed my eyes as he held my arms down. "Aahh~"

His mouth moved to the side of my breast and sucked it. Oh my God this is so ignoble of him.

"Your Majesty, I will come in." Someone shouted behind the door. " not this time." King Jeon spat but we heard the door still turn.

He immediately placed his body on top of mine to cover, I heard him purring in anger.

Who would disrespect anyone's permission, more so, who would even just barge inside the King's-

"W-What are you.." it's the same girl from last time, it's just this time around, she sees King Jeon on top of me.

"Did I say you can enter?" He spat as he seemed to grab the blanket then diligently covered it on my body as he slowly moved away from me.

I see the woman's eyes get hurt again. Who is she? "You are such an imbecile woman, Hasmin!"

Wait, Jasmine? Was that her in the painting? Wait no, she made that painting? He dragged her away again. The door slammed. Hmm, where could he have taken h-

I hear footsteps and it's him, I thought he'd take her somewhere else..

Who could she be that he'd also drag her away. Our eyes locked when he came in. Pissed ones.

"Don't wait for me." He took his coat and just left again.. oh, i was wrong.. he'll still follow that woman.


"Stella? Do you know if the King had a woman named Hasmin?" She stopped dusting the paintings here on the ground floor.

"Hasmin? No? King Jeon is not into commitment with women I believe? Why?" Hmm. "Well it's just, there was a painting in the wrong, Jasmine was written on it, then yesterday, a woman who came in before barged, and the name is Hasmin."

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