Chapter seventy-one

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I might have to adjust after this. Big time.

The door opens and I see Majesty with a bouquet. Must be for the b-

He handed me the bouquet and I quickly looked at him in utter shock. "Are these not your type?"

"N-No Majesty.. I thought those were for the baby.." I took it slowly. I examined the bouquet with a variety of flowers in it.

I suddenly got a kiss on the forehead so I looked at him. This must be his way of saying his gratitude to me.

I gave him a smile. The door opened again and it's finally her. A nurse came in cradling her, wrapped in a towel.

She went to Majesty and she handed her to him. He carefully wrapped his arms around his daughter.

"Eight pounds and five ounces." The nurses cheered. "She needs to breastfeed every two to three hours, if you have questions, please do approach me." She bowed after and turned around. I looked back at Majesty and he's staring at her.

This is a beautiful moment and I'm glad I'm here to witness this. "She's you." Majesty said after a long pause.

My brows were drawn upward when I heard that.

He's still gazing at her full of awe. It makes me feel all fuzzy inside watching him do that, and I don't know why exactly.

Then I heard the baby getting cranky and I could see her arms trying to rub her face from this view. "Majesty, she might be hungry, I should feed her."

He carefully handed her to my arms and I'm in utter shock that we already had a resemblance. He was not bluffing then.

I tried to sit up a little but I ended up groaning from the pain. "Do not strain yourself." But I have to, she needs to be fed.

"Majesty, may you please untie this lab gown." He quickly did what he's told. The gown came loose instantly.

My breasts hurt and i believe it's with all the milk, so i am assured that i can feed her, otherwise, she'll have to drink formula.

She moves in my arms and it's hypnotizing to see her. She is already pretty. I brushed my thumb on her cheeks and she thought it was my nipple. She gave an odd face and I chuckled.

I fixed my gown and moved it aside to reveal my breast. I carefully positioned her face in front of my nipple.

I then held my breast and tried to rub my nipple in her mouth to see if she could suck it.

She easily sucked it and I had to monitor if her cheeks would stay puffed while sucking. I had to wait.. it's all good.

My. So this is what motherhood feels like. It's amazing, I have to say.

I ran my finger on her forehead to her cheek.

Soft supple skin. A complexion same as his father. She already has healthy hair. I watch her suck on me and it's fulfilling.

A hand suddenly grasped my face and I forgot about Ma- he kissed me.

A deep kiss. He broke it after and our eyes remained with each other. His eyes are full of adoration.

He must be having a hard time to verbalize his thank you. I wanted to smile but I felt flustered so I looked back at the baby.

Long lashes and a cute nose. I wonder how pretty her eyes are once she opens it.

"Seol." I looked at him not knowing what he meant. "Jeon Seol, that's her name."

"It's beautiful Majesty." Seol. What a beautiful girl. I held her mittens and I felt her tiny fingers inside wrap around my thumb.

She already has my heart. Will it be possible for me to leave after? A pang of hurt in my heart is starting to cause me confusion.

No, her and her father can handle this, my body is just- was.. a cradle for her. I am not her mother, I am in no way related to her.

"What would you like to eat?" Clouds of thoughts dissipated. I looked at Majesty, "anything would suffice Majesty."

I watched him take his phone from his pocket and I went back to staring at her while I heard Majesty ask for someone to cook.

Her soft adorable sound of sucking milk is making me melt.

The urge to run my finger on her cheek happened again. I softly stroked her face.

I felt the bed shift, Majesty seemed to have sat beside me. I kept staring at Seol then Majesty's thumb caressed her cheek. I wish Stella was here to meet her.

She stopped sucking, she drifted off to sleep. I carefully parted my nipple from her mouth. I stared at her face. "You should sleep. I'll take care of her from here." Majesty whispered.

He took Seol from my arms then he assisted me to properly lay down. I can't sleep just yet, instead, I watch Majesty place her in the bassinet. He removed his polo then she picked her up without a towel.

He placed her on his chest in an upright position.

This sight is making me feel things differently.

They're doing skin to skin and it's something I look forward to seeing everyday.

He rocks her gently. Then I looked at him and our eyes locked. All of a sudden, my heart skipped a beat. I looked away feeling weird.

I might as well just sleep.


Anxiety rattles my mind. I feel the need to pee but I am terrified of what I have to see.

Sleeping for more than ten hours helped me regain strength, but the thought of seeing blood weakens me.

I just finished breastfeeding Seol and she's deep asleep in her bassinet. Majesty is preparing food at the table.

I tried to sit up and I squinted in pain feeling the roaring soreness. I inhaled through my nose and exhaled through my mouth.

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