Chapter seventy-four

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"I also want to drink your milk, is that so bad?"

"Yes." I gave a straight face. He bit the skin on my chest and I howled in pain. "Remember, this body is mine."

"Majesty, I already gave you what you've demanded, what we've compromised."

His face is starting to contort in a distasteful look, as if he doesn't want me saying that.

"Still mine." He glowered. "Until Seol can start to walk." I retorted.

"Until I say so." He said through his gritted teeth. What the..

"Majesty. What are you saying." He got off of me. The mood was quick to change. "I will not discuss this with you again."

I scoffed that my freedom starts to look at a dead end.

I lifted the lab gown to cover myself. "We don't have to discuss Majesty, because we already did."

"What does the outside get you that you want so badly?" He asked, irritated.

"You ask because you yourself haven't had freedom, Majesty." He took a step and bent over to face me.

He held my jaw a little tight. "I have it, right in my grasp." What does he mean by that?

His eyes are burning. "Then take it." I spat.

"Already did."

"Then what are you not understanding about-"

"It keeps running away from me." His eyes are intently staring back to mine. "Then you must be taking it for granted for you to understand how freedom is."

"Do tell." he challenged, I closed my eyes and opened it after a while. "Freedom is never a promise. You have to take every chance life gives you, some may only happen once, some happen countless times. And if it's pure luck, it stays with you.."

"How can I not know that." his monotonous voice and eyes flickered in a hurtful way. I may have struck something inside of him but he needs to understand that I have to have my old life.

Even if it meant being a servant again. He stood straight without a sound and his eyes looked like his mind drifted elsewhere. His hand slipped off of my jaw and he turned around, walking away.

He went straight for the door and completely walked out. I sighed feeling an ounce of guilt.


Another day passed with him not uttering a word to me. Royal guards are carrying the bags out of this room. I was discharged earlier as I can walk on my own but with a slow pace. I can recover as God knows wherever he will drop me off.

He did not state that but my debt has been paid. I watch him in my peripheral vision give Seol to a nurse- he's walking towards me. I gulped and pretended to look somewhere else.

Without a word, he lifted me. H-How is he carrying me and not his own blood. I kept looking at the walls as he walked us out of the room. I eyed every painting we walked past.

We're finally outside and the car door is already open. He crouched down to settle me inside the car. I can't believe this. I watched him in my peripheral vision again and he closed the car door on my side and he took Seol from the nurse.

He rounds the rear of the car and opens the other side of the car door with Seol in his arms as he sits inside. "Start the car." he nonchalantly said.

This scenario wasn't what I had in mind when I thought of getting discharged.

I suddenly woke up when I felt movements.. I look around all groggy and Majesty is carrying me up the steps to what seems to be inside the palace. I remained quiet.

He opens the door and every corner of this chamber is spotless.. I look around and everything is rearranged.

There's a corner for everything Seol needs. A crib beside the bed and some materials in here changed for Seol's security.

He places me down the bed and I didn't take notice of the guard tailing us behind with Seol in his arms.

Majesty took her after and the royal guard bowed and left respectively.

I got all ears when Seol sounded irritated. I checked the time and it's her feeding time. Me and Majesty haven't spoken since yesterday so we just took Seol from each other's arms.

I painstakingly stood and took Seol from his arms. He didn't speak nor forbid me.

I sat back down on the bed and in seconds, she started crying loudly. "I know baby, I know.'' I cooed as I tried to pull my dress down but it seemed impossible. I instead lifted my dress up until I could fully expose my breast.

Oh my, her cry is so.. Angry. "Okay, okay." I spoke to her as I hurriedly guided my nipple on her mouth. Instantly, the room became quiet.

Wait a minute.. Her eyes.. They've been open! And I didn't realize it until now. I stared at her brown orbs. My..

I looked up and Majesty was nowhere near. Where could he have gone?

It's been a while and Seol fell asleep on my arms, she stopped sucking and that's where i knew. I smiled looking at her. Already a princess with her father's attitude then. I carefully stood up and went to her adorable crib.

I placed her down and the door opened, without thinking, i looked, me and Majesty had eye contact.

He's half naked with a plate full of food that's still steaming. The sound of the plate hitting the table snapped me out of my stare. I finally stood straight, blinking. "Eat."

Hmm, so he can talk after all. I went to the chair and sat. I took the spoon and fork and started eating while he walked past me.

I'm almost done eating and the whole meal was mum. I can't stand it, I acted like I was looking around but I'm secretly looking for Majesty. Clumps of color in my peripheral vision concludes that his back is facing me with all his tattoos.

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