Chapter eighty-six

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Right, she used to disturb Majesty and me then she just became quiet. Was that her? Did Majesty talk to her before that's why she's never been seen anywhere inside the palace since then?

I finally crossed the road and went to my usual path to the forest.

The sounds of trees creaking with the wind comforts me. I want to go back to the spring.

I observed nature as I walked. I love leaves that fall altogether because of the wind. It feels magical.

I sat down on my usual spot but I gasped, getting startled when I heard a thump and I saw a man that seemed to jump down from the tree.

I quickly stood up in fear- "hey, no, no, please, i apologize for the disturbance." he lifted both his hands up to look vigilant.

"I did not intend to scare you, I just happened to see you again and I wanted to have a talk." he smiled but i kept being vigilant as well. I kept being distant when he took a step.

What did he mean by seeing me again? "Look, i'm just like you." he then points to the tree he came from. "This is my go-to-spot when I feel troubled."

Why don't I buy it.. It feels like a trap. I started to walk away but he quickly hindered me by jumping on the path. "I have this for you. You seemed to have looked for it."

He lifted his fist and a necklace unraveled, dangling in the air. "You must've mistaken me with another." I nonchalantly said.

"No, I can clearly remember you breaking branches." I got a little baffled. "But I never wore a necklace that day. Stop fooling me." He's starting to get to my nerves, just like Majesty.

I heard another person walking near.

I looked and it's Majesty. "Well, no wonder you wouldn't bat an eyelash." he sarcastically said to me with his hands on his pockets. "Who are you?" he strictly said to the man when he got near me.

"Majesty." the man bowed. "I was just returning this to her." Majesty then gave me a mad look.

He took the necklace from the man and up close, I can see that it's a vintage locket. Majesty opened it and I saw that there's a photograph of a woman I've never known.

"How can you say that this is hers?" Majesty closed the locket and looked at the man. "She was trying her best to reach for this in the water before, she even had her.. front soaked-" I widened my eyes.

N-No.. he saw m-me- "stop!" I start to panic. "Continue." Majesty already sounds annoyed.

"She seemed troubled when she was wet that she had to frantically squeeze her breasts-"

"Leave." his tone is already off. Argh! Why do I also have to be in this situation! The man bowed and left like what he spilled was nothing.

There's a brief moment of silence and I couldn't dare look at his side profile.

It doesn't matter.. I'm still pissed at him. I started to walk away and I stopped in my tracks when I felt anger in him again. "Dare walk away from this."

I turned around to face him and his jaw was clenching, eyes looking like a bull seeing a red cloth.

Then this is my timing to leave from his grasp for good. I'll have to maneuver the red cloth then.

"Doesn't matter, it already happened."

"Bullshit! Someone saw you touchi-" i felt like something snapped in me. "Why does it matter to you!"

"Do not fucking use that against me." he seethes in rage and charges for me but i have to break my silence. "Oh I will. But it won't matter, because I'm leaving." I spat.

He was quick because of his long strides and before I knew it, I was already hung on his shoulder.

I could feel the rage boiling inside him just by his walking. I could only see the ground and here a few people gasped from the sight. Ugh.

He threw me on the bed and I quickly got up to leave but he pushed me again, and again, and again until I got tired from getting up.

He pushes me so forcefully that I also feel dizzy everytime. I pant as I am laid down. "I trust you just to show me why I shouldn't." he hissed and I laughed then he gripped my hair to make me get off the bed causing me to moan in pain.

"I never asked for your trust!" I yelped and he gripped my hair tighter making me yell, hurting my scalp.

"I bet you loved it when you heard him say that." he spat in my ear while I tried to scratch his hand that was holding my hair.

"I hate you!" I loudly spat in the air and he chuckled. "Let me go!"

"Look at you, pathetic! You are nothing but a weak woman that any man can prey on." I felt my throat hurt from his words.

Madness got to me that I suddenly got the strength to remove his hand on my hair. I pant from the anger rushing all over my body as I pushed him off. As if I could just trash this whole chamber.

"You're right, I became a harlot to a lowly man." I plainly said while my hands quiver in anger then I just felt a tear roll down my cheek.

He clenches his jaw, looking at me mad.

"I'm through." I took a step back while giving him a blank stare then I completely walked out.

I heard Seol's giggle as I walked out of the room and I burst out crying while I kept walking.


The pads of my feet are hurting from walking miles and miles. My eyes felt plump and sore from crying.

I need to get out of this city. But how if my feet are hurting?

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