Chapter four

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He fed me again.

And again.

And again until my plate is clean. I feel so bloated. I stood up to stack the plates but he snagged my arm away. "What are you doing" he bitterly said.

"C-Cleaning your Highness." He stood up, towering me again with that cold stare. "Stop acting like a servant." He hissed. "Y-Your Highness.. I-I am a servant-" he smacked the table and all of the things on it shuddered. He gripped my jaw again. "You think i'm stupid." His jaw clenched.

"N-No please no, i didn't intend it to be that way your Majesty" my heart beats so fast i feel it about to jump out of my rib cage. His hand moved to choke me. He slowly inched his face to mine, "I know you're a damn servant, but my child will soon host your body, stop acting like that. It's pissing me off."

He stared at my eyes and I felt like drowning in his angry ones. "I'm so-sorry your Highness" he looked at my lips then back to my eyes.

Why would he prefer a servant? Is it because he can manipulate it that easily, because I have nowhere else to go? Because I have nothing?

"I want to establish intimacy with you" I was taken aback by his words. "Carrying my child comes with many trials. I want you to come to me without hesitation for anything." I blinked, not digesting what he said.

He then grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled it roughly. I felt his breath on my neck and I gulped feeling terrified and aroused at the same time.

Someone knocked on the door, "come in" he then let go of me and went to his bathroom. The door opened and servants came to pick the plates while I stared on the wall, baffled.

Servants went and I sat on the chair. What will happen tonight? I laid my arms and forehead on the table.

My nap was disturbed when someone grabbed me by the hair, my eyelids flicker open. "Sleep on the bed." My eyes shot wide open when it hit me that it's the King's voice. What was I thinking?

I sat up properly but i really felt groggy, i still tried opening my eyes wide again. "Are you listening?"
I can't fight my eyes.. Before I totally went out, I saw him seize my body as I fell.


I feel cold drips of water on my face. I slowly open my eyes and right above me is him, fresh from the bath. We locked eyes then I slowly realized so I covered my face from embarrassment. "Oversleeping is not good. Get up."

The bed shifted as he climbed down the bed. He was half naked. G-God.

I sat up and I fully saw him with just a towel wrapped around his waist. Good thing his back is facing me- n-never mind, i just locked eyes with him through the mirror that i didn't realize was there.

I coughed as I climbed down the bed. Avoiding his gaze. "Come here." Oh God, can my day start any better..

I walked to him as I looked at the floor. He guided me to stand in front of him, facing the mirror. He lifted my chin and we locked eyes. He never forgets to emphasize our size difference.

He then bent down while looking at me, reached for the bottom hem of my dress and lifted it up and I got terrified. Halfway of lifting it up, my underwear got exposed so I turned around, faced him and hid on his figure.

I can't just yet. "Face the mirror." I really can't, I feel insecure about my body. I hid further from him. At this moment, I didn't care if he's the King, I really hate looking at my body, now someone will see it.

"Tell me what's on your mind." He authoritatively spoke. "I hate looking at my body," I whispered. "Speak up." He lifted my face. "I.. hate looking at my body."

"Change it." I looked at him puzzled. Change my shape? Surgery? Exercise? "Change the way you see it. Your body will soon become a vessel, how are you capable of taking care of my child if you're having issues with your body."

"I can.. I can take care of your child, your Highness, my issues don't have to affect your child." I looked at him, hopeful he wouldn't dispose of me because of my honesty.

He hastily turned me around to face the mirror again. He doesn't look happy..

He pulled my dress out of me and I instantly hugged my figure to hide. He removed my arms and held both my wrist behind me. I looked away but he grabbed my face with the other hand.

"Learn to love your body. My child will live inside you for months. He will feel the emotions you have." I stared at his eyes. Right.. pregnancy is not easy.

I may vomit, lose appetite, gain appetite, get tantrums, cry out of nowhere, crave anything, require anything, pee anytime. How will I be able to do that?

"What are you insecure about? I chose you." And with that, it changed my view. I didn't even realize that I wasn't staring at him anymore from all of my overthinking. I looked at him and his eyes didn't look angry for the first time.

"I don't know your Highness.." I murmured as I started to get lost at his eyes. I felt him remove the strap of my bra. My eyes quivered at him. I held my bra to stop him. "It's just me. Forget my title. Right now, I'm just a man." He intently looked at me.

I looked away as I let go and he removed it from me. Next, I felt his fingers falcate on the hem of my underwear. I felt my heart drum as he slowly tugged it down. I could even hear my heart. He let gravity pull down my underwear halfway to my knees.

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