Chapter one hundred six

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Oh God, I felt electrocuted in some type of way.

"N-No listen!-" I gasped when he ripped the tank top exactly in the middle of my cleavage.

"Jungkook!" I wanted to run away from screaming His Majesty's name just like that but he wouldn't listen.

"What did you call me?" He grinned, finally giving me his attention. "This is not my gift." I said exasperated.

With all the adrenaline in me, I felt like I ran all over the whole yacht and just laid down.

"You just said-"

"My gift is that I make you happy." He got confused, "and you currently are."

I shaked my head, "I need to be on top." Now he's smirking. "You?"

"It's not a gift if I don't give any effort in this."

He looked at me for a while before he flipped us back which is quite surprising.

Now I'm back straddling him and he wouldn't stop smirking.

"Stop it." I said, looking away from him. "So you want to be on top? With that attitude?" He teases.

Well, no? If you would just stop teasing me for a moment..

His hand then went to my waist, going up and cupping my breast before rubbing his thumb on my nipple.

I quickly removed his hand and I am still not looking at him.

"Right now you are more of a baby than a woman." He chuckled so I quickly delved and kissed him.

He was surprised for a while before he kissed me hard.

His hand went to my nape and pressed my face harder to his.

His other hand wanted to sneak on my slit so I quickly pulled away.

He pants with a serious face now, just looking at me with sin on his eyes.

Now that his smugness face disappeared, it's just about right to start.

I fixed sitting on him and I felt how rounded and stiff he is under me so I tried to slightly move my hips and his hand held my waist to stop me.

"Hands are strictly prohibited, Majesty." I teased and his jaw just clenched harder.

I placed his hands on the bed as I continued to slightly move my hips and I intentionally pulled the string of the tank top down on my shoulder.

I can really see how worked up he is, how stiff his whole body is under me, just feeling me..

I kept my eyes on him while I bent forward and down to kiss his lower abdomen and slowly travel upwards.

I looked on the side and I saw his arm so I placed my hand over it and rubbed it to stimulate him more.

I kissed his neck then sucked it like how he does to me and I was immediately choked and he pushed me up to give me a distance from him.

I was surprised to see him panting heavily and I can't let it die down just that easy.

I was planning to suck him after but given this situation, I have no choice but to put it in me.

I can't believe how creative I am right now, I don't have a clue how well I am delivering these made up ideas I planned weeks ago.

I tried to remove his hand but he shaked his head. "Do not test me right now."

I chuckled internally all while I placed my hand behind me to pull my underwear on the side.

He then closed his eyes while he sighed loudly.

I am truly proud of myself at the moment.

Without much thought, I reached for his cock under and quickly inserted his tip in me which made me shriek a little.

"Shit!" He grunts loud, tightening his hand on my neck.

I let my weight sit me down on his cock while he penetrates me deep. "Hng-!"

"Fuck." He looked at me with sharp eyes and a tense jaw.

I groaned when I completely sat on him and I forced his hand off of my neck.

He is so stiff inside me. "No hands." I reminded him again. "You make me want to break every object in this room, y/n."

I gulped hearing my name on his lips.

I couldn't wait anymore and I lifted myself and got back down and he hissed.

Now I just have to continuously do it..

I lifted myself again and brought myself back down, I kept the pace slow for now.

This is already tiring me out, how do men have the strength to do the exact same motion for so long?

"You're tired. Let me." His deep voice sounds so amazing. I pant and shake my head as I kept moving on top of him.

I kept moving and moving until I had to completely stop to get air. "Fuck, such an erotic dream of mine."

I looked at him while I pant and he's smirking. "You're tired, my turn."

I gasped when he flipped us again. "No, please-"

"Relax." He tried to soothe me but I pulled away from him to remove himself from me.

"No, flower, come here." He held my waist and pulled me closer to him again but I weakly turned my body so now my back is facing him.

He placed his hand on my back and put pressure on it. I felt him bend over, "It's okay flower, I have it from here-"

"No! I have to do this!" I said frustrated and it went silently for a moment. I used that moment to just breathe.

His hand on my back went down to my waist but then he lifted my tank top up to my nape.

He then bends over again which keeps me thrilled inside, "I love how invested you are at making me happy, flower, but you have to know, you are edging me with your slow pace."

I gulped at how hot he is whispering to my ear.

"I-I don't know edging-"

"An act when you stop right when someone is about to hit euphoria."

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