Chapter thirty-one

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She gasped. "No way.." I pursed my lips. Mhmm, King Jeon did have a commitment with a woman before- "you're jealous." What the??

"No! That wasn't my point Stella!" I said irritated. "Then why all the poking questions?" She smirked, bobbing her brows.

"Why in the world would I be jealous??" She shrugged, "beats me~"

"Nevermind." I sighed. "You're starting to get curious y/n, better watch it" she lectured. "Oh please Stella, I would never, in my life, have emotions towards King Jeon."

"Don't speak too soon, you still have a long way to go, besides, why aren't you pregnant anyways?" She fully turned her body to me and placed her hand on her hip.

"King Jeon still has to stop drinking."

"You stupid woman, aren't you seeing what he's doing?" She squinted her eyes. "What?"

"Ay-yay-yay.. nevermind, tell me, what time will you pass by my house for the make over?"

"Oh I can't go.." she looked at me suspiciously. "I just feel fine here." The handkerchief that tied around my neck got pulled off my her.

"I knew it! You have too bad of a fashion sense to get unnoticed!" I covered my neck with my hands. "Give it back."

"Y/n, i love you and all, i support you even, but if you ever need the help to stop having feelings with the King, i'm here." What the-

"What are you saying?? He did this when I was asleep! Can you stop assuming!" I snatched the handkerchief back as she just shook her head.


The sky is starting to dim and the ground full of people look so merry. This big window already satisfies my eyes as I look at the colorful lights everywhere. Music kept playing and cheers keep chanting.

I turned around when the door opened. "I will not go without you." She dumped all her belongings on the bed.

"Stella, he'd strangle you for that." I said through my gritted teeth, scared he'll come in. Although he hasn't, he might be overseeing the festival.

"He's too occupied for that. Come here and i'll doll you up."

"Wow.." I looked at myself in the mirror. Went closer then backed away. "Your hands are magic." I said startstrucked at my reflection. "You are most certainly welcome, now wait for me to change as well."

I observed how my braided bun looked so good on it's own, and how the beaded hair clips added sophistication to my aura. Even the hanbok she let me borrow fits so snugly on me.

The cosmetics on my face coordinates with the colors of my hanbok. She did not overdid it, which I love.

I looked at her and she has already worn her hanbok and she's now working her hair, curling it.

She's fast with her hands, which I envy. She's such a personification of a talented woman.

"Pass me the pallette y/n" I instead brought the whole bag to her for convenience. "Atta girl."


"Woah.." my eyes amble at every sight I see. People dance in the middle of the ground, some are walking with their lovers or family, buying novelty items.

The ground is so crowded. "Hey y/n, my cousin is calling for me, i'll be back later okay?"

"Yeah sure!" I watch her body get immersed among the crowds. Hmm where would I go..

I squeezed in the crowd until I stopped, I realized that I was standing in front of a jewelry shop. "My~ what a lovely lady you are." An old woman cooed. "Thank you Ma'am." I smiled.

She then gestures to me to come closer. Hmm? I followed her instead, "see anything you'd like young lady?"

"O-Oh no ma'am, I'm sorry, I didn't have my money with me." I pouted that I had to disappoint her on such a lovely evenfall.

"No no, just go and have a look." She smiled so dearly. Hmm.. I scanned my eyes.

A small raw blue crystal stone wrapped intricately in a rose gold metal glints and it caught my eyes. "This one is such a pretty ma'am, tomorrow i'll be sure to pay for it" I promised.

She took it out. "O-Oh no ma'am, i'll just take it tomorrow if i have the money with me-"

She still placed it on me. "Pretty~"

"Ma'am?" I looked worried. "It's fine sweetheart, don't fret about it, now go"

"Hmm? Why are you giving it away for free?" I was puzzled. "Aish, go and enjoy tonight." She smiled and pushed me off until i'm out of her parameter.

"A-Are you sure?" She nodded saying "hundred and one percent sure."

"Oh my, thank you so m-"

"Na-uh, don't thank me, just go and enjoy." She smiled then wave.

O-Oh.. but why does it feel so wrong? It's like the assurance she gave me isn't satisfactory.

I slowly turned around while I looked at her shop, fine then, I can pay incase she needs the money back. I bowed at the shop and walked again.

I kept making my way through the crowd then someone was calling someone. I decided to look and it seems to be me?

I stopped and pointed to myself unsure. "Yes you" o-oh.

I went forward and it was a cute stall full of hair accessories. Woah everything is so cute? "Have anything you want young lady?" The seller smiled.

"O-Oh my, i don't have my money, please wait as i'll go get it." I turned around but she stopped me. "No, go ahead and just pick your likings, it will be free of charge."

Huh? Why are they giving it for free? "Uhh.. may i know why?"

"Because you are such a fine, beautiful lady" she smiled wide. It flattered me of course. "Thank you ma'am, but you should give it to small children instead" I chuckled.

"Do not worry as I'll give them, but you have to choose for you."

Hmm.. What is something so simple and not expensive..

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