Chapter twenty

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Who's-?? I quickly got off the bed resulting in a fall. I still got up quickly. I knew I slept on that tree. Whose house is this..

I opened the door and a long hallway was up ahead. I gulped like a stone got stuck on my throat. This is terrifying to me.

S-Should i just run for it. No, someone might hear me. I tiptoed and got my ears ready for any sounds.

Almost halfway through the hallway, I start to hear footsteps approaching. Oh no, I quickly turned around- "you are awake" that voice..

I turned to see.. "K-"

"Before you get angry, allow me to speak.." I watched him get closer. Each step felt like a shudder to the ground. He stood before me. I waited for anything he had to say.. "stay here"

I shaked my head, no, not another roller coaster ride I'd have to take. "Please.." I pleaded. Does God hate me that i'd just get thrown around to anyone.

"This is for you, y/n." I've heard that too many times to believe. "Come." He held my wrist and guided me back to the room.

"H-How did you find me.." I said in the middle of walking. He looked at me, "I had to have someone watch over you." Eyes won't leave me.. ever again, because i caused a commotion inside the palace.

Before I could speak, he added something that made me more weary of my situation. "We'll see if he looks for you." I stared at his back..

"King Hiero.. why are you doing this?" He turned around and bent down, hands on his knees to look at me, "I found out why you dressed differently, why he spoke differently and why he said you're going to his chamber."

"All of it is true your Majesty, but please don't meddle on this, it might cause the relationship you have with King Jeon."

"Only if he looks out for you." Wait, why am i acting like he'll look for me.. this is what Kian was saying.. Oh God.

"And if he doesn't?" I looked at him. "Freedom" he said, smiling. My eyes felt like stinging. Yes, please be God's instrument in this chapter of my life that i'm in.

"Your Majesty, what if.. he looks out.. for me.."

"You don't have to worry about that, I'll think it through when we get there." He pats my head causing my heart to twist in joy.

Wait.. "i-i'm in another country??" I asked in disbelief. "Mhmm, we took the fastest transportation to get you here."

"How come I wasn't aware of it.." he chuckled, "they may have made you inhale something to make you have a deeper slumber."

That makes sense. So now what.. "Your Majesty, where should I start to clean?" He stood up straight, "I didn't take you away from your country just to be my servant here, you'll be one of my people as you stay here. Not a servant or a surrogate." I went for it and hugged him immediately, "please don't let him find me.." i whispered, eyes closed as his hug comforted my soul.

"I'll do my best." He pats my head.


"This is huge!" Clara exclaimed, holding a shrimp beside her face to show off. "It is" I said as my eyes roamed around the restaurant. It's mesmerizing, to eat with people again in a room, to just hear casual murmurs.

We started to eat, "how long have you been in here again?" I mentally counted.. "thirty-six days"

The first week in here scared me, the idea of him just popping out of nowhere and just stab me.. i shivered.

But now, I'm truly happy, he didn't look for me, he may have found another and just thought to spare me as i'm just a waste of time.

"Do you have somewhere else to go after this?" I shaked my head, my mouth was full of crab meat. "Then let's go watch a movie!" I smiled until my eyes couldn't see.


We walked out of the movie theater, "he's so handsome, i wish i was Julia" she said, talking about the main characters in the movie. I just simply laughed. "So you're going home after this?"

"Mhmm" she hugged me, "see you next time, i had fun today" i hugged her back, "it was fun hanging out with you Clara"


I arrived at the palace. I knocked on his door. He opened and a shirtless King was standing before me. "i-i'm sorry your Majesty" i turned around.

"No, I'm sorry, I was just done working out, so, how was today?" His voice could tell that he's smiling. I looked to my side, smiling a little.


I placed a teaspoon of tea in his tea cup, I took the kettle and poured hot water. "What color do you think suits me more, red or purple?" I held the tea cup and stirred as i turned around.

Hmm, "I think purple your Majesty." He then walked over in front of me. Both of us looked at each other. This feels so familiar.. No, I shouldn't.

I looked away, he lifted my chin. He took the tea cup and placed it back on the counter. I gulped. He placed both his hands on each of my sides, caging my figure.

I blinked when I thought I saw King Jeon. He slowly lowers his face on me. "Can i?" He asked.. a question I've been yearning.. "yes.." I whispered, looking at his eyes.

He softly placed his lips on mine. I welcomed him and closed my eyes. Feeling his gentle kiss made me feel like hundreds of fireworks exploded inside me.

We tilted each of our faces to deepen the kiss. His hands cupped my neck so gently, his kiss isn't hungry, it's rather giving.. giving affection.

It's making my body feel good. I hope King Hiero feels the same. I don't have a definite emotion towards King Hiero, I believe this is just a sudden impulse he felt at the moment.

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