Chapter ninety-six

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It's been a long time since I've done this.

I stared at the cosmetics that I used months ago before I left.

I already wore this white evening gown that came with a fancy box that I saw on the bed when I came back.

The best way I could describe this dress is that it has one sleeve on one side and the other is kind of off-shoulder?

Then it's long but also has a high slit so it shows my thigh.. which I feel ashamed to wear.

I picked up a foundation and a brush.


I stared at my reflection, in awe of how well I did my make up and my hair. A knock on the door disrupted my focus.

A guard let his head out, "Miss, the car is ready." o-oh I-I thought it'll just be here, "my apologies, I still haven't worn my heels, I-I'll be out in a few." I scurried inside the closet.

I hate having people wait for me. I quickly chose sparkly black heels. Wait, how about Seol?

I quickly got out of the room and gestured the guard to wait for a while and I walked towards Mr. Seong.

"Mr. Seong, will you be able to take care of Seol for a while?" he nodded, "yes miss."

"Thank you." I felt relieved and I finally went to the guard who fetched me and I followed him down the stairs.

Where could we be going? And I thought he'll be personally taking me.

The guard opened the car door and I thanked him as I went inside. The car started and I felt agitated, nervous.

He's never done this, I've never experienced this.

I gaze at the window to look at the beautiful scenery.


The car just went inside this big hotel, it seems. I still haven't seen him and I feel like my make up already melted. I never brought a thing with me.

The guard opened the car door and I went out, bowing to him.

A man with a suit then came towards us. "Please, follow me." oh, it's like a chaperone. I followed him and we went to the elevator.

I've never been on one. 'Ah-!" I quickly slapped my mouth shut when the elevator went up, making me dizzy. "Are you alright, miss?" the chaperone got concerned.

"Y-Yes, I apologize sir."

"Oh please, none taken." he finally smiled at me, I thought he was a grumpy man at first.

The elevator opened and he gestured to me to go first. "East, black door." huh? I turned around and the elevator door closed with him in it.

I looked around since I'm the only person here. East he said, is that just left? I looked to my left and I saw a hall and straight to it is a big black door.

I slowly walked and my heels clicked against the tiled floor. I should've worn more simple heels. I looked around and this hotel is so grand.

I'm finally in front of the door. The last thing I need is a killer behind this and all of this is just a set up and Majesty is actually in the palace.

I took a deep breath. I pushed it open and my eyes widened. Oh God..

It's so.. fascinating. I went in completely and looked around and I saw his back, he's facing the glass window.

I looked further around and I saw a dazzling table that's set up. "Had a hard time choosing heels?" I looked at him and he's walking towards me, grinning.

I couldn't mutter anything. What's all this?

He's finally in front of me. He gazes at me. Oh right! I covered my face. "I seemed to have perspired on the way here, I must be messy looking now." I joked and he removed my hands.

"I just hope there's a more profound word for beautiful." he held the side of my face and my heart felt like a mad man wanting to break out of a caged house. "Uhm.. can I know what the occasion is?" I asked nervously.

"I just want this." he smiled. "Oh, about Seol-"

"It's taken care of, tonight is about us." he smiled. U-Us.. what's with us.

My hands are so cold. "Come here and sit." He held my back and guided me on the chair that he just pulled. What's happening?

I sat down absentmindedly. He sat across from me. "You seem troubled? Should I know what's happening?"

"N-No, I.. never had this." he then smiled and held my hand which made his face shocked. "It's just me, flower." he smiles. Right, it's just him. HIM. KING.

The door then opened and three servers came in and two of them placed a plate of delicious looking steak and pasta in front of us and one of them poured our glasses some red wine then he left the bottle inside a bucket full of ice.

All of them bowed and as they walked away, I thanked them regardless if they didn't hear me. I heard a chuckle and I looked at him.

He's amused by me. I then felt embarrassed. "Let's eat?" he asked and I nodded. As I chewed the stake, I looked at the glass window from afar and that's when I realized that there's a pool outside of it.

Wow, this steak is amazing. "You still wore that." I looked at him and he's pointing at the bracelet that I got from the hospital. "Yes, it reminds me of Seol."

"Give me that hand." I gave it to him. "Look away for a moment." oh. I looked away and I felt him unbuckle it. Is he removing it?

I then heard it snapback. "Have a look." I immediately checked it to see another charm. Wait.. he gave me this bracelet? And not the hospital? I looked at him, shocked.

"Do you find it terrible?"

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