Chapter twenty-two

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Rum squirted inside my mouth and so I forced myself to drink it, awful! He let go and I felt like gagging, i squinted my eyes from the taste-

Ah!! I covered my head when I heard something shatter beside me. I slowly looked and it was the glass that he was using.

"That was to clean your mouth." He spat as if it was disgusting to his bones. I met his eyes and they loathed me.. "should i just throw missiles at his country?"

"His people had nothing to do with this, King Hiero just wanted to help m-"

"Bullshit!," he choked me, his breath reeked too much, he drank this whole time.. "to give your lips to Hiero willingly will have him homeless" why does he always like to pull other people in misery!

"Just do it to me! I did it! I gave him my permission-" he choked me harder and it's painful. "I do not give both your shits a fuck! Anyone you will encounter will suffer at my hands." He emphasized every word..

"Please don't do this, I'm already here, do what you want, please" I fell on my knees crying. The thought of everyone's body just piled on the ground makes me puke and hurt.

I flinched away when he lifted his hand and was about to go on my face.. I waited..

I slowly lifted my face and both his palms were rubbing his face. "I did not spare your death to give someone else a part of you!" He suddenly shouted. "I-I'm sorry!" I sobbed.

"Fuck that! Eat your damn sorry. I'll kill all that breathes in that country." His tone is really enraged. "Please no.. no.." I shaked my head.

"What? You thought that if you presented yourself, I'd feel different? It just made me want to kill." His smile is spine-chilling.

No! I quickly undressed, he should take my body, he should use it to free his anger from the innocent. "Please, if it makes it any better, I didn't give my body!" I desperately said.

He walked past me and I quickly ran to hug his back, "please!-" he turned around and pushed me on the pillar. His face is really not him anymore. "Please.. i don't like him.. w-we just did it-"

"The more you talk, the more I grow to despise you." He spat. I shaked my head as I looked at his eyes, "use my body, it's yours" I murmured, crying.

His jaw starts to clench, eyes restless on looking at my every feature.

"You can give it to him." He took a step away, looking at me. If he leaves this room, there is no guarantee that I will get another chance to talk to him. "I-I'm ovulating.. i.." I said straight to his face. I really am, I learned to know my body when I resided at King Hiero's.

I knew I was ovulating when I went to the bathroom of the plane.

He scoffed. I didn't have time to wait, so I took a step, tiptoed and kissed him. He isn't kissing me back, "please, do what you will, this body will only be held by you." I whispered, looking at his face that's looking straight ahead.

It's hurting me. I sucked his neck, causing him to choke me quickly. I shrieked at his strong grip. "You just don't know what you keep doing." He snarled at my face.

Those words pooled in my mind. I really do not. I'm shaking but I carefully approached my hand and I took it, I guided it and placed it on my breast. I need to do everything to get him in the mood.

His hooded eyes that I can't read moved to where I placed his hand. In a fast motion, he gripped my hair and he started walking, dragging me, I whimpered as I stumbled and yet he ruthlessly dragged me. My scalp is radiating in pain.

We're on the stairs and he just kept dragging me.

He opened his chamber and pushed me inside, I lost balance and fell on the floor. He dragged me by the hair again, I yelped.

He pushed my back on the wall, his hand covered my eyes. I gasped when his mouth latched on my neck. Thank God.

I bit my lip as I smell rum on him, his mouth not stopping. "Ha.." feeling fatigue from the flight seemed to double with his mouth slowly devouring my neck.

He stopped, anxiety came back, where did he go-

His lips went hungrier than before, as if he deprived himself of such affection. I kissed him back, I lapped my tongue inside his mouth to let him know that I'm willing.

That the kiss me and King Hiero did was nothing.

He sucked my bottom lip before letting go, I pant. I do not know what he's doing, everything is silent, his hand is still covering my eyes. Did he realize something? Did he run out of excitement?

"Close your eyes." His deep tone startled me. He removed his hand. I hear him walking inside this room. It didn't take long before he came back.

Oh no.. he's blindfolding me. Then he tied my hands next. This is it. I start to hyperventilate. "Backing out?" His smug voice reminded me why I am here. I shaked my head and inhaled deeply. I can do this. It's just needed to bear the pain, it must not be that agonizing.

I hear him stripping. Oh God, I think I changed my mind. I turned around to face the wall. My heart is beating loudly. "Y-Your Majesty, c-can we do it without these fabrics"

"You'd resist if that happens." He whispered in my ear and I started to sweat all over, hands shaking and heart still loud.. "i-i.."

Without vision, it's making me more agitated. I gasped out when his hands held my hips. I held the wall with my tied hands. He breathes on my neck, he's too drunk, w-what if he's rough.

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