Chapter one hundred two

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I looked at the rest of them and they were smiling, grinning at me. "You could say that both of you are bad at acting." Jin pokes fun of.

I chuckled that they read us right through ourselves.

"I suppose so." I said smiling to them.

"Gift you say.." Hoseok said as he thought it through. "I know one thing." He said.

The thing is, I have no money, but I can work for it, given the time.

"And what is that?" He looked at the rest of the men and all of them were serious.

Oh God, is it that expensive.

"Sex." What.

"Pardon?" I said and I looked at the rest of them and none of them were smiling.

"You heard me. It is the only gift he can't possess forever, and the man loves it." He said, chuckling.

"By forever, he meant that Jeon can't just grasp it anytime he pleases, or perhaps we are wrong on that note, but he figuratively says that it is not a mere object." Namjoon said but he didn't stop there.

"Just like how you ran away, he didn't find any woman. Sex is an emotion you act upon. Of course, he has done it countless times to countless women before, but when you left, we were assured of our assumptions."

I am speechless with his long oration..

"Well, I see that, I completely grasped all of your ideas, the problem is, we've already done it countless times, I don't know how it will be such a good gift." I responded timidly.

"I know this is such an intrusive question." Yoongi spoke, "when was the last sex you two had?"

"Before I gave birth?" All of them then groaned.

"Jeon must be parched." Hoseok said and shaked his head.

"You get my point there?" Namjoon added and I absolutely did so I nodded ashamedly.

"Then you know what to give him." Yoongi said and I looked at him. "If you doubt that it would be a boring gift, then make it special."


"Please tell us you know other tricks here and there about sex?" Hoseok asked.

I stayed quiet, unable to add more shame. "Y/n, we are here to help you, do not be ashamed." Jin said.

I- uh, how can I not? The topic is about sex.. that we will do that they will know- Oh God I just shouldn't have asked!

"No I completely know, thanks everyone." I hurriedly tried to get up-

"Sit down, it is completely okay, we are also invested in this to make our maknae happy." Jin said which calmed me down.

All of them hummed in agreement. "You are the exact instrument to make him happy." Namjoon said.

I felt good hearing that.

I properly sat back down and exhaled quietly. "I-I have zero experience.. before him."

I felt ashamed but they aren't making the atmosphere so.

They nodded their heads in full understanding. "That is perfect actually." Yoongi said.

All of us looked at him. "It will be the perfect surprise for him, you can be the dominant one."

"Dominant?.." I have no understanding of it.

"Mhmm, take control of him. Not necessarily command here and there, but do all the movements." Namjoon clarifies.


I felt frozen. How do I do everything? I doubt I have the strength to even do it for a whole minute.

"It may sound shocking, but you are capable of that, your goal for his birthday is to make it amazing for him."

I nodded realizing that this isn't about me.

Knocks on the door made us still. The door opened and he came in with a suspicious look on all of us.

"What's taking so long?" He looks grumpy. "Yeah yeah, we were just about to leave anyway." Jin said as all of them stood.

"Alright y/n, it was nice having a good talk." Namjoon said and secretly grinned at me as all of them, one by one, left.

"Oil." Jimin suddenly whispered as he walked past me.

"Hm??" I said as I didn't get what that was.

"Oil." He said and gave me big alarming eyes. I couldn't ask him as Majesty is already beside me.

I just watched him waved and gave a smile and walked out.

Oil? That was odd? Is my skin dry?

"What are you checking?" I looked at him. "I was just looking at my skin since fall is here."

"You are perfectly fine." He said as he stroked my arm.

I then noticed that Seol isn't with him. "Where's Seol?"

"With Seong." I nodded and wanted to check her but he held my hand. "It disturbs me.." he said.

I looked at him concerned. "What is?"

"You are not calling me anything." He said frowning. Oh right..


"No, enough of that title. Give me a name only you get to call me." He said as he took a step closer to me.

I feel anxious for some reason. "What do you prefer?"

"You already came up with one, you just don't want to say it.. I believe I am still not worthy of it." He said, sounding a little hurt.

I smiled a little at him. "It's not that you are not worthy.. I just feel frightened with everything changing." I honestly said.

He held my face and kissed my forehead. "I apologize, I do not intend to rush you. It's just.. I want to know that I am yours just as you are to me."

I want to smile so bad with how endearing he is.

To make things better, I tiptoed to kiss his cheek.

"I never knew change could be this good." He said grinning. I couldn't help but smile.


I looked at Stella and she was still smiling like a deranged person. "Okay, you are putting me off, why do you keep smiling to yourself?"

We finally got down to the last step of the stairs.

"Not to snoop around, but I caught Majesty kissing you when I approached your door!" She said all while shrieking.

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