Chapter thirty-four

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I thought he would let go of it but i am again wrong. He positioned his tip right up on my hole and I just had to move my hips again to misalign it.

"Tick me off, one more time." He taunts. I became quiet and still when he lifted my leg again. Hard to say, but I felt aroused when my legs were spread open this time.

I do not understand it but I feel so.. seductive. As if my hole is just so inviting to him, the thought that he could just invade, make me feel g-

I shouldn't be thinking this way. I have gone too far, his sex drive is getting to my head, making it turbid.

I moaned when he sucked my neck. He isn't going easy. I slowly take deep breaths. "Spread it open while I penetrate your pussy."

I arched my back from those dirty words. It is sending my mind elsewhere, his words, tongue and hands would always know how to make me loose.

My heart pounded when he was pushing his tip inside my hole, but what muddled me is that my legs are fighting to stay open, was it because of those alluring words he whispered?

I do not understand, but one thing is clear, my body wants him.

His lips trailed to my shoulder and gave me tickling kisses. Is this a distraction to get him inside of me?

He pressed his tip on me and I whimpered, I almost closed my legs but he caught it. "I want you painfully wide open." He whispered and something in me felt like melting.

Those are just words y/n, you can be better than this. "I-I don't want this, please." I was too light headed to say it casually.

"I don't see it." He chuckled and I was disappointed in myself that he could read me just that easy.

He lifted my leg and this time, he hooked his arm on it to stay in place.

My body starts to heat more. My hole throbs while his tip is just pressed on it, waiting..

"Does it hurt?.. when your pussy just aches as it throbs?" Oh m-my God, he feels it. His smug tone just added heat to me.

I squirmed on his hold and he tightened it again. "Does ovulating make it hard for you to ask for my cock?" I could just hear his smirking lips.

I just kept on focusing on my breathing. "Hng!" He pushed his hips and his tip is starting to bury in me.

"Ha!" I whimpered as he stretched me again. I feel his cock just go in me slowly. "Hnng"

I feel my groin starting to get sore. He kept slowly penetrating me, and I kept catching my breath to stay composed.

"Ah!" I moaned in pain. He humped me a little when he got everything in. "Hmp!"

"Such a little one." He whispered in my ear and that caused me to unconsciously clench my walls around him.

The more I am around him, the worse he gets to control my body. I fear the day he will manipulate my mind without heed.

I gulped knowing he felt that. He starts to pull then he goes back in. "Hng!"

Feeling him hit something inside of me, is making me greedily ask for more, and I hate that. He starts to add pace.

My body is alarmingly relaxing again. I-I shouldn't..

"Haa" his cock, rubbing my insides feels so tremendous. The longer he does it, the heavier the pleasure intensifies inside of me.

My leg that was stiff started to limp, my body that was frozen softened inside of his arm. "Hmmm"

Can sex really make anyone bend for it, i can't understand, it's overpowering my body and mind. Like I can watch myself drift away, as if I became the third person point of view of my own mind.

"Uh!" I let out when he pounded me. My breathing heightened when the pleasure started to invade my whole body.

He placed my leg back down then his arm that was wrapped around my body loosened up.

I felt him collect all of my hair. What for- "hmp!"

He tugged my head backwards by my hair then his arm slid around my stomach to keep me in place.

The beat of my heart feels so strong. He pulls it out again then he pounds it back in. "Hya!" I shrieked. I felt like a jellyfish out of the water when his mouth sucked my neck.

I started to hyperventilate, feeling too much pleasure on me. I started to see small dots of black in my vision. "S-Stop" I murmured weakly.

I placed my hand behind me and tried to push his abs.

"Please, just for a minute." I said all frail, he stopped inside of me and I'm grateful that he listened.

I quickly took the time and let my whole emotions subside.

I doubt i'll be this way when he'll start to move again. Should i try and.. "your Majesty.."

"Speak." I stared at the wall for a moment, "i.. I see black when i.. feel too much." I felt him let go of my hair. "Clarify further."

"W-When I feel too good.. I feel like I'm fainting.."

"What do you suppose I do?" His sarcastic tone humbles me, that he wouldn't listen even if I speak up.

I decided to just let it go. I shaked my head and just appreciated the time he allowed me to settle down.

I closed my eyes. He pushed his body on my back until i'm laid on my stomach, his body and arms caged me.

I propped my elbow on the mattress to have a more comfortable position.

He held my wrists, I took notice of how his arms are strong, thick and veiny, while mine besides him are just puny and frail.

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