Chapter seventy-nine

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I gulped standing in front of the door, covering my front from the eyes of the guards.

No, I should just go in. I knocked on the door and entered.

Majesty is rocking Seol that's awake in his arms, laid on his chest.

He looked my way then his eyes spotted my drenched front.

"I-I can explain Majesty." He lifted his brow. "I hope you do, I remember letting you out prim."

I'm more than glad that he isn't enraged. I walked closer to him and when i'm standing in front of him, I had to first gaze at Seol.

"I saw a pond in the forest Majesty, curiosity got the best of me.." I gave an awkward laugh and he didn't seem to buy it.

"And how exactly is your chest the only thing soaked?" He tilted his head. This is strange, what could've gotten him to be so mellow?

"I was reaching for something underwater Majesty but i.. overestimated my ability to grab objects.."

His eyes then went to my chest. "Did you walk all the way here like that?" I had to nod. "But I covered it, Majesty."

"Good girl." W-What.

I froze, getting flustered. "I-I should wash.." I turned around squinting my eyes. Seriously, something is up with him.

"Need help with that?" He poked it as a joke and I walked faster. "It's all good Majesty."

I went inside the bathroom and gave a relieved sigh.

I had to stop and think for a second, Since when did he start to change?..

I recalled the past days or weeks. Oh wait, I believe it happened when I apologized to him.

That day.

Okay then, I've got my answer. I have to wash my chest area now since I just took a bath earlier and Seol might get fussy.

I'm all done and I just realized that I forgot to bring clothes here.

I'll just have to be bare and wrap myself in a towel first.

I opened the door and instantly, Seol was already crying. Oh my, did I take too long?? I rushed to Majesty, who's doing his best to calm her down.

"My apologies, I must've taken much more time than intended, Majesty."

I took Seol from him without looking and she's fussy. I sat down on the bed and unraveled my towel that now rests around my hips.

I guided my nipple to her mouth and it took her time to recognize that it's me. "Seol~" I had to coo her while I tried my best to make her still.

She recognized my nipple and so she quickly sucked it, I chuckled at how her mood changed.

I observed her plump cheeks while she drank milk from me. Her other hand will always hold my chest or one of my breasts each time she feeds.

And for me, that's sweet. I looked up and my eyes caught Majesty sitting in the corner with his arm propped on his knee to hold his face up by his hand.

I forgot about him, he was silent the whole time.

He's just.. watching me. I got ashamed that I looked away. Goodness, I'm bare and the man has immense desire every now and then.

I placed my eyes on Seol's feet and how tiny they are. I lifted it up just because I wanted to.

And also as a distraction.. but now i feel embarrassed that he's just eyeing me across the chamber.

I heard him stand from his seat and i'm too awkward to look at so I stayed looking at Seol's feet.

He got to the bed and climbed it. He placed himself behind me, me being in between his legs and his hands on my hips.

I feel timid with his hot hands. He's slowly rubbing my skin and it's making my insides stir. Seol's still feeding off of me..

He brushed all of my hair to my side and the familiarity of his lips brushed on my shoulder. "Majesty.."

"Pay me no mind." he whispered with a sultry voice. I gulped thinking that I'm still healing. His hands then stroked my arms slowly. How can I ignore him? When he's all I could feel. Next thing I know, he's kissing my nape.

I felt Seol stop. I should burp her now. How can I stand knowing my towel will fall once I get up. I first made her lean against my chest in an upright sitting position. "Majesty, Seol needs to burp, I should.. stand for now."

"Of course." he stopped kissing my nape, he sounded a little disappointed. I slowly got up, trying to pull the towel to cover my front but I felt it get pulled away from my hold.

I gulped that i'm bare, my back in front of his eyes. I quietly let out a slow sigh. Insecurity is clouding my mind but he did this to my body, and this may just be the way to let me go easily.

My stomach got a little saggy and stretch marks all over that area. This is not the first time he's seen me bare but every time I am, I feel a little less myself.

I took a small towel for Seol to place it on my shoulder on where she'll lay her face. I start to do small pats on her back. Instantly, she burps.

I find it amazing that she easily lets out trapped gas. I did a few more pats just to be sure.

When there's no more of it, I had to move to the other side of the crib because I will not surely flash Majesty.

I bent over and placed her down, I gasped when I felt Majesty behind me, hands on my waist. I quickly got up and looked at him sideways since his hands were holding me firm. "Majesty?.."

Why is he just looking at me? I turned my face back, feeling embarrassed. "If you finally recovered, will you tell me?" my eyes wavered.

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