Chapyer eighty-three

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"I know." he grunts as he stops the kiss. I got baffled that he knows and he's enduring it. I got mesmerized for that. The fact that he's having self-control is astounding. "Can i.. Help in another way, Majesty.."

"Climb on this bed." oh. I sat beside him. "Sit beside me, face your body to my arm." wait what?

My body to his arm.. how do i..

I tried to recreate his words and I believe he meant that I stuck my front on his arm. I did and he didn't give a comment, so I was right.

"Now, give me your hand." What exactly is he planning? I gave him my hand and placed his hand behind me.

His hand is so big. He took our hands and he placed them around his shaft. What exactly..?

He starts to move our hands and I finally get his desire. He wanted to arouse himself but it meant using my hands.

All of a sudden his other hand reached for the back of my head and he used it to push my face forward to his and kiss.

He didn't let go of my head nor my hand and he's now laying back.

I'm a little baffled but I went with it. My hand- i mean, our hands kept on stroking him.

"You'll have to kiss me on your own, flower." He whispered and I did not pick up what he said. He let go of my head and I finally got what he meant.

His eyes could tell how crowded his mind is right now.

I lowered my head and kissed him and his response was like a starved animal.

Our mouths are so brash, while he pants every now and then.

It's as if I look like I'm pleasing him on my own will. "Fuck." He blurted it on my mouth.

Our hands fastened and I heard him grunt then he just let go, leaving my hand on his cock.

I froze not knowing what to do. "Continue." He murmured and I looked at him with closed eyes and a rhythmic rise and fall of his chest.

I tried to move my hand a little and his cock jerked. Alright then. I gulped and picked up the pace where he left off.

"Shit." Is all i could hear as i look at my hand that's heaving his cock- "hmp-"

He gripped my hair all of a sudden and kissed me. H-He's so aggressive..

"I can't cum unless you moan." That's a-absurd! "W-Wait-!" His hand was trying to reach under me to get a hold of my slit.

I tripled the hand job and he's cursing in no time. "Fuck!-"

Oh no, it's running out of lube. I quickly spat on my hand and went back with it.

"Slow down- argh!" He starts to hyperventilate. "Y/n, slow-" his face is scrunching in sweet agony.

He's almost there- he suddenly took my hand off and his cock is just now pulsating.

Cum started oozing out of him and squirting to his abdomen.

I look at him and he's trying not to moan. I sit here while I watch him starting to slow down from his high.

He gripped my hair and pulled it right up his face. "If I say slow down, you do as you're told." He isn't angry, just strict.

"I thought you loved it, Majesty.." I bravely confessed. "I did flower, but the head of my cock is hurting from the friction."

I got flustered that I had no clue I was already hurting him. "M-My apologies, Majesty-"

"It was not bad, I do however feel the need to compliment you in thinking fast just to avoid my hand on yours."

I feel more embarrassed that he knows. "Why don't you clean me off, hm?" He smirks.

I turned around to get a hold of the napkin right by the night stand when he interrupted me. "With your mouth flower, it would be such a waste since you've worked hard for it."

Oh. I thought I could get away with that..

I moved closer to his lower part and his cum.. is all over him. He lifted himself up a little just to see me.

"Grab all your hair." He commanded and so I did. He took everything from my hand. "Start."

I lowered my face and licked his abdomen. "That's good." He murmured. I kept licking everywhere.

I looked from above to see if I missed a spot and none. Now, his cock..

I stuck my tongue from the base of it and licked it up to his tip. I did it multiple times and while i'm doing it, he said something.

"You remind me of the harlot I used to pay for." I felt like my heart made of glass just cracked.

I would never consider myself a harlot. I respect most of them just to live for the next day, but I will never label myself as that.

I stopped all of a sudden. I sat up and flicked his hand off of my hair. "No, wait-"

I got off the bed and sprinted from the door before he could catch me.

I ran to escape from here and it took me a hard time to see as my visions got blurry but I kept my feet going.

If only Stella were here..

I finally got off the big long steps and ran straight to the forest.


I sat near the spring and wiped my tears. Argh, I forgot to wash my other hand. I quickly dipped it in the spring and swished it around.

How can he say that? He got me in that situation just to call me a harlot.

I slumped my butt back on the ground and just stared at the water.

I opened my eyes just to realize that I fell asleep on the ground. I somehow felt it was a short nap.

I sat up and I still feel gloomy. I scooted closer to the water and dipped my hands on it. It's soothing.

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