Chapter fifty-three

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"Congratulations. It's a girl." A girl.. made-up scenes in my head of him and his baby girl together would look so adorable.

I looked at him again and he's just unaffected by it. "I'll just have the image printed, but first, let's clean up."

The doctor took a lot of napkins and he was about to wipe my belly when Majesty insisted he'd do it.

The doctor left us again. He walked towards my side and started to wipe the gel off of me. He looks as if this was all nothing. I couldn't get him.

"Majesty." He looked at me. "Why aren't you happy?"

"I'm happy with either gender." He pulled my dress down to finally cover myself again. Why am I not having his answers? He feels so distant.

He just helped me get out of bed.


On the way to the palace, I'm still staring at the sonogram. What could he possibly name her? This girl will surely live a lavish life.

I looked at King Jeon and he's not uttering a word. It's bugging me. "Majesty, is there a matter we need to address?"

"How can you tell?" he crossed his arms, eyes still watching the view pass by on his side of the car window.

"You've been acting cold, Majesty, and it's truly making me weary." He exhaled deep through his nose.

"I despise it." He said and it took me aback. "T-The baby?"

"No." He finally looked at me deadpan. "flirting."

What?? "W-When?-" how could i even do that? "You smiled at him." The doctor?? Wasn't a smile a warm gesture?? "W-Why would you take it like that Majesty?"

"You smile at everything but me." Is he- is he really questioning that?? Unbelievable. I gazed at him, baffled at his notion.

"Don't just stare at me. You have to compensate for it." He scowled, hmm, why am I even shocked by this.

I'll just have to go with his way. "How may I appease my action, Majesty."

"Be creative." I shot my brows up. Creative? The only things I could do are letters, if that's what he implies. Otherwise, I can't do any of the dirty deeds he requires.

"Can we stop at a bookstore, Majesty?"

"Don't test me." But am I serious? ..maybe a kiss will do. I carefully closed our distance then I stole a kiss on his cheek.

"For all the things i've done, that's it?" He glowered. What else is there?? "This is how you do it." He hissed and he took me to sit and face him on his lap without aggression.

He grabbed my hair and pulled my face down to meet his face and our mouths locked.

His fingernails raved my back and it entices me. His hands clasped around my neck. He's sucking too much air out of me.

I forcefully broke it and I looked around, we were already at the palace. I immediately checked the drivers and they're not here. "Why didn't they tell us?.." I murmured to myself.

"Because they respect their King."


I woke up and it's still dim. Something ticklish is crawling on my belly.

I prefer to sleep on my back and so when I look up, it's Majesty, sitting on my side while his fingers stroke my belly.

Hmm? It's about to dawn? He couldn't see me as his back was facing me.

I remained still to feel him. He must be looking forward to seeing his baby girl. I'm intrigued that he's willing to raise a child on his own.

"Majesty." He turned around, "Did I wake you?" I shaked my head.

"Have you slept, Majesty?" He then shaked his head, "don't mind me, go back to sleep," but i can't go back to sleep anymore..

Food suddenly enters my mind. "Majesty, the baby's hungry.."

"What do the two of you need?" Two.. he always includes me now. "Soft serve?" I asked with shame.

"Flavor?" Oh uh.. "mango, Majesty." I watch him take his phone and dial someone. "Get me a big soft serve machine that has mango in it. Hurry."

"M-Majesty, just one cone will do." I panicked at how expensive it got. "You may crave it again, it's not a problem. Can you wait for it?"

"Y-Yes Majesty, i can." He laid down beside me and he was about to hug me but my kidneys suddenly felt like exploding.

"O-Oh please excuse me for a while Majesty, i just have to use the restroom." He was getting up and the more he does service to me, the greater panic in me intensifies. "N-No, please lay down-"

"Quiet." He got up and carried me instead. He has to stop these unnecessary actions. I feel more guilty everyday that he has to take good care of me.

He sat me down the toilet and I gave him a side eye when he wasn't leaving. "M-Majesty, i'm going to pee."

"Go on." Oh God. I looked down at the floor and I let it out. The loud sound of my pee hitting the inside of the bowl is embarrassing.

I held on to the nearest sink to stand up but he beat me to it. He held my back and hand and he even wiped my uh.. with a napkin.

What the hell. This is more of a torture than i expected. The King is acting like a damn care giver.

I felt like blushing. "P-Please let me do it next time, Majesty." He looked me in the and i quickly swerved my head away. "You're ashamed, when you just asked for sex the other day."

"O-Oh God." I should just shut my mouth.


I woke up feeling a lot better, i didn't seem to have my morning sickness anymore.

The bathroom door opened and he came out dripping. "You're early. What do you like for breakfast?" He said as he cleans his ear.

You- oh uh.. i averted my gaze as i was tempted to look at his body. "Marshmallows." Ugh, the thought of how chewy it is.

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