Chapter twenty-three

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Lips start to trail on my shoulder. Instantly, it created a trance on my mind. I relaxed with his soft kisses. But then I started to weaken when he got to my neck, he sucked it so good that i laid my head on his chest. "Hmm~"

His loud sucking flips my insides. I closed my legs when I started to feel myself throbbing a little.

He pulled my hips aggressively, causing my ass to collide o-on his cock.. I quietly cried when I felt his hard cock. He pushed my back further to bend, he softly rubbed my back, as if to make my body weak.

His hand held my neck and pulled me back up. I whimpered with his sudden actions. I screamed when a sudden spank landed on my ass. He turned me around rapidly, making me dizzy.

I heaved a sigh when he sucked my neck again, attacking it. He held my arms to pin on the wall when I tried to turn away. "Ahh"

I'm sliding off the wall, knees weak when he just suddenly tries to suck the soul out of me. I do not know if i can hold on much longer.

This emotion he does to me is too intense for my body and brain. As if I could drool with his sensual and lewd acts. "Ugh" I completely slid off the wall but his arm scooped around my hips to catch me.

His mouth, unbelievably, latched good on my neck.

"Haa!" My moan stopped him. I pant. I felt lips on my chest, but no movement.

Then i felt him approach my ear, "your heartbeat is insane, let me put it off inside" i gasped then my tied hands seemed to get placed on his nape then i was suddenly lifted up easily.

"Y-Your Majesty.." i panicked with our erotic position. My body glued on his, I could also feel his cock just on my ass. I shaked my fear as I started to cry.

"You came for this, didn't you?" He's poking fun at my state. Yes I did, but it doesn't mean it would not scar me after. He lifted me up a little more and when he's slowly placing me back, I shrieked and hugged him when his tip was about to go in.

"P-Please your Majesty" I pleaded, tears already soaked my blindfold. "What is there to plead? This body is my property."

I hugged him tighter, chanting the word 'please'. "Let go." His cold tone is already a warning. I kept hugging him. "You wouldn't like it if I got pissed."

Shit! I loosen my arms on him, still crying. "Relax and it wouldn't hurt." His strict voice doesn't convince me. Something is about to go inside of you? I would beg to differ. But with him?..

He lifted me up once again. And slowly, his tip is on the surface of my hole. "Please please please.."

Heart didn't stop beating loud, anticipation awaits as he's not moving.

I groaned when he started to let my weight go down. "A-Ah!" It's hurting me! I wanted to shut my legs but I could only squeeze his sides.

"Just allow it to enter, don't resist, it will only hurt more." Easy for you to say..

He resumed to lower me and I yelped in pain, I hugged him but he quickly hindered me. "Don't close your walls, just bear it."

"Nooo, noooo, please" i shaked my head and hugged him again. I screamed again when he lowered me a little more.

"S-Stop!" I feel as if something will rip in me. It's stretching me out. I squeezed my wall and he groaned.

I couldn't help it, it pains me.

He tried to push me deeper this time and I yelped. I kept hugging him. "No!" God!

He lifts me up and lowers me slightly, he's moving me in a repeated motion. "Hnng" then he tries to lower me more as he moves me. "Hmp!" I arched my back.

Slowly, I start to feel tingles and weirdness inside me. He lowered me more and I groaned. This technique he does distracts me from the pressure.

"Hmm!" My limbs are already about to give way from this uncomfortable position. "T-Tired, my b-body.." I murmured and I was baffled when I felt him walk.. then he laid me down. D-Did he just listen??

He unties my hand, I want to remove the blindfold- "keep it on." I left it that way. What does my eyes have to do with anything, is he hiding something on his body? He must be ashamed of it then.

I stopped my hand mid-air when I caught myself about to touch his chest. I shouldn't, it might trigger him. Oh? His hand placed mine on his chest. I gulped, trying to search for anything hidden.

None. He started to move and I whimpered, getting startled. "Do as you please" he whispered and that sent my body a different wave of emotion, the way his voice, his speaking and passiveness seemed to sensually attract me.

I heaved a sigh feeling hotter. I didn't know he stopped moving when he thrusted again. "Argh~"

I removed my hand on him and used it to conceal half of my face. God. I am starting to feel the pleasure more.

"Uhh.." I softly let out. "I did not undo those hands just to keep those moans from me." I immediately removed it. I do not need another dangerous episode happening.

His hands stroked my whole arms until they both got to my wrist and pinned them on the top of my head. "Hnng" I slightly parted my lips.. his moderate strokes start to feel faster.

"Ohh" he goes faster. "Hmmm"

Oh God~ s-so this is what that woman in the forest was feeling. "Ahh~"

"Hmp!" He did a hard thrust and it is sending me elsewhere. "Oh God~!" I arched my body, hyperventilating. I wrapped my lower limbs around his waist. "Hnng!" I kept whimpering with his every contact.

I feel him down there.. It's too much. I need a timeout. "Can we please.. rest?.." I pant. "You are probably the first person in the whole world to ask such an absurd question." He pants.

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