Chapter seventy-six

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"I wonder who could've done that to you?" He asks himself acting dumb. "Filled you to the brim until you conceived a baby girl." He whispers in the air, looking at me with eyes full of lust.

My eyes could only look at him, i may be mistaken but i believe he wants sex.. right now.

But with my circumstances.. it could probably take me months.

"Majesty do you.." I gulped, unable to continue. "Ask." His eyes twinkled with what seemed like excitement.

"Majesty you could.. have another woman to e-ease you.." that was hard to spill.. I gulped thinking he might get mad.

"I can wait. I can heal you just to bruise you again." He said under his breath and I could only gulp with our tension.

We should separate for now. "I-I should watch after Seol.." I dismissed and he held my waist to lower me down from the counter.

I quickly walked away as possible without looking.

Him letting me go just meant he wanted it badly, but he has to control himself.

When I got to the chamber, I just then realized that I was holding my breath.

I deeply sighed and sat on the bed near Seol.


God do I miss the forest, my friends, my job..

I looked down at Seol who's feeding. Her arms moving around. How soft and adorable. I just finished giving her a bath. After feeding her, I have to trim her nails or she could wound herself even with the mittens on.

Majesty was on an errand for I don't know what.

I stood up and started rocking her gently in my arms. I hum as I watch her eyes starting to slowly close. I brushed my hand on her black hair softly.

She completely fell asleep so i had to cover my breast back but i still want to rock her in my arms. It's not forever that she'll be this small.

A knock made my head whirl to the door. "May we come in?" ah it's them. "You may." I chirped.

As always, six of them came in. It's like all of them are sextuplets, inseparable. "Hello" I greeted them and they smiled. "y/n~" they chirped. They seem to visit more often now. "Where's Jeon?"

"He didn't tell me." I pursed my lips as I continued to sway Seol. "hmm. Ah we have gifts by the way!" one said.

"Thank you uh.." I still don't know their names.. "Oh how improper of us, we still haven't introduced ourselves, i'm Jin." he bobs his brows.

"Taehyungie~" a boxy smile.


"Jimin-sshi" with a peace sign.

"Hoseok~" he gave a flying kiss.

"Namjoon." he bowed with a wide smile and I had to do the same. I was smiling with their self introduction, they are grown men but they act like children.. Oh, well except Yoongi..

"Nice to finally know all of you." All of them bowed and I panicked to do the same. They laughed at me and I did it with them.

"Well.. since Jin carried Seol last time, i think it's right that i carry her next." Namjoon walks up to me.

"Yaaah~ i want to hold her!" Hoseok exclaimed. "Next time." Namjoon said as I gave Seol to him.

Majesty has finally allowed them to carry her but if something were to happen to her, their lives are in exchange for it. He said it himself.

"My~ you have the face of your mother~" He sounds so happy but.. am i supposed to be okay with them addressing me as Seol's mother?..

"Namjoon.." Yoongi calls his attention and they might've seen my face change which i didn't intend.

"O-Oh my apologies, i didn't-" I immediately gave a smile, shaked my head and waved my hands that it was all good.

"Please, it's alright." Now all of them have sad eyes. I shouldn't have..

"We should all sit." Jin calls. We sat anywhere we found comfortable.

"Can we talk with you about this?" He said and I nodded.

"We personally want to know you more, if it's alright?.." he clarifies and I nodded. "How have you been then?"

Oh.. I didn't think they'd start off with that. "I am.. good." I believe so. "Hmm, well then, that's wonderful to begin with. Say, when was the last time you've gone out of the palace?" Namjoon asks.

"When I gave birth to Seol."

"No.. uh, aside from her." I puffed my cheeks full of air, "Majesty doesn't allow me.." I couldn't help but sound a little sad.

"Have you tried to convince him?" Taehyung asked. "Yes. It led to a cold war.."

"Well this is bad." Jin scratches his nape. "Right, Jeon is a hard nut to crack." Namjoon said as he spaced out of his head.

"How about you compromise." Yoongi spoke out of nowhere and all of us turned our eyes to him. "Go out wherever you want but be back before Seol needs you." He nonchalantly said.

But what if he doesn't want to.. "And what if he doesn't approve?" Jimin asked just what I wanted to question.

"Ignore him. Nothing more maddening to a man than his woman ignoring him."

"O-Oh, i'm not.. his." I corrected them and they gave a few snortles. "Right." Jin smirks.

"But he seems hard headed, he ignores me better than i could do."

"Only because you think highly of him, if you see him as an equal, it'd be easier, and trust us, he won't stand a day or two." Jin assures.

Alright then.


Gulping as I steal a few glances of Majesty as he and Seol do skin to skin, standing by the window, seizing the sunlight at seven in the morning.

A routine I always sought. I am contemplating whether today is a good day to talk to him about my plan.

Seol moved in Majesty's arms and he kissed her forehead.

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