Chapter one hundred eleven

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She's giggling, why is she giggling?
I looked at Majesty and he's blankly staring at the girl.

I felt my forehead crease, I even tried to shake my suspicions but the tension was too much.

Looking away, I felt like squeezing this wine glass in my hand. Argh, this is so odd of me.

"Miss, Majesty asks for your presence." I got a little startled but not enough to stir my thoughts. I looked and it's Mr. Seong.

"Please tell Majesty that he should just rest." I spoke bluntly. Mr. Seong walked away while I tried to distract myself by watching people dance and all of a sudden, I was in spite of the sight.

I walked away and ended up where the feast was. Long tables filled with food and even with the delicious sight, I have no appetite for it.

I saw someone approaching me from the side by my peripheral, I know it's Mr. Seong.

"Miss, Majesty is repeating his request, if you oppose as he stated, he will get you himself."

I internally rolled my eyes. I took this adorable finger food which is a miniature sandwich. I placed everything in my mouth.

Without looking at Mr. Seong, I told him, "please just tell him you didn't found me, I am not in the mood Mr. Seong, I sincerely apologize." with a stuffed mouth.

Without a word, he left. I chewed the food then I sighed. It is such an inconvenience for Mr. Seong.

I took another sandwich and ate it. I looked both sides and I contemplated that I just felt alone here. I might as well stay in the garden, which is on the other side of this part of the castle.

It's better then, I can enjoy a long walk.

I started walking and I went out of this hall easily. I instantly felt a little relieved. I took my time walking in this empty long hallway when I heard my name being called.

It's him.

"y/n." it's the second call and it sounded heavy out of his mouth. "y/n!" he shouts and I keep on walking. He sounded so near me but I couldn't care.

I started to fasten my walk when I heard him charging from behind me but I was too late. He grasped my arm and pulled me harshly, making me look at him.

I gave him sharp eyes and he matched it. "What's with you all of a sudden?" ugh, his alcohol breath. "Nothing, please just rest." I said as I looked away. He then pulls me again to go inside this door that was near us.

I looked around and it's just an empty room. "Love, talk to me." he finally mellowed his voice.

I still wouldn't look, his hand held my waist. "Did you feel isolated? I f-"

"No." I cut him off. He held my jaw and made me look at him. "Then what? Tell me so I would know, love."

I observed his eyes were a little red. I thought he wouldn't notice me this entire night since he seemed to have drowned himself in alcohol but surprisingly, he's somehow composed and even caught me walking away.

"Was it that I didn't wake you? Love, I tired you out, I wouldn't want your body sick." I felt a little spark inside me when he said that he tired me out. It was damn true and reminiscing about it causes me to heat up.


"Then we are not leaving this room until you tell me." he said with challenging eyes. I would challenge him if it weren't for this deserted room, there's nothing in here to pass time with.

Not a single chair nor table. I sighed with frustration. "I saw that girl earlier, you were staring at her." I said, frowning.

"Oh, her?" he then started smiling and it pisses me off if he's smiling because of her. I attempted to walk away from him but he blocked me. "You are deliberately toying with me." I spat as I gazed at him with rage.

"And how about that boy you were talking to?" He saw that? "He's a lad." I heavily emphasized. "Doesn't matter, love." he smirks.

I tried to walk away again from the growing anger I have and yet, he blocked me again. "Let me go, because right now, you are really pissing me off." I wasn't having it.

"Alright love, see, that woman earlier was giggling because I absolutely don't know. I was staring at her because I was starting to get irritated, you obviously didn't see her getting dragged away by my men."

I was then at ease hearing that. "Why would you stare at her? People would have mistaken it for something else."  I said with suspicion.

"My people know me that when I am mad, I stare." he smiles and he pulls me in his arms. "Should I be offended that you don't know?"

I just shake my head at him and he grins.

"Now, what's your story with that boy?" he teases.

"That boy was just hurt, some girl stood him up."

"Someone also stood me up, she was supposed to follow my order earlier." He says, pretending to be naive.

I remained looking at his handsome face. "And now she isn't listening," he smirks and out of nowhere, he grabbed me by the neck and crushed his lips to mine.

"Hm!" I groaned from the taste of gin in his mouth. I pushed him off. That was not pleasant.

His eyes are hooded and I know it's from the liquor. "Let's go back-"

"No, I prefer to stay in the garden." He looked at me, unsure. "I'll be back, I promised." I assured him.

"Why aren't you calling me love?" He blurted out.

Oh, haven't I? "It must've slipped out of my mind.." I said, shy.

He looked at me for a moment then he pulled me by my waist. I gasped when his hand pulled my hair from behind then he started to suck on my neck.

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