Chapter forty

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I looked at the mirror again with my new face, the way she taught me to fit what's best on my facial structure, the colors that match my skin, the techniques on how to apply.. ugh it's draining.

And she kept repeating that I always have to do it, to instill it in me and become more of a proper lady. She did say that being simple is not wrong, but she said that I somehow have to also keep it up a little.

Add something that could make people look at me for longer, add something that could brighten my aura more.

I do like how she has a monotone voice, she doesn't scare me with loud remarks.

My eyelids however distract me because of the false eyelashes she added. The look I have now is marvelous actually, it's just.. I feel shy to always look like this, I'm still a servant.

Someone knocked and I turned my head. Now who could it be.

I opened- "what the?? Is that you?!" Stella gasped. "Come inside before anyone sees." I pulled her instead. "So that's why I haven't seen you for hours!"

"It wasn't me that did this, King Jeon hired a cosmetologist." She fangirled. "Giiiirl, I believe King Jeon has gone soft!!" She jumped while I was just watching her. "No Stella, this is just a way of saying that I look ugly-

She gasped again, "oh my God! Your hair!! It looks so shiny and straighter than before!!" Her attention span.. is really off.

"Wow you look so worldly!" She then went to my closet, "what are you doing?"

"Picking a dress to match that face of course.."

"N-No wait, i'm not going outside, i'm removing this as a matter of fact."

"No! Fine then, don't go out, but just try out some dresses here.. wow you have so much fancy clothes now?? Woah there's so many! Why aren't you wearing these?"

I shaked my head in her pleased child-like mind- we froze when the door opened. We already know whose heavy footsteps are those.

No! What do I do with Stella?? She's just also there inside the big closet, frozen like a scared chicken.

His presence stopped beside me. His hand held my chin and he made me turn around. I gulped.

His eyes inspected me. Did I just see satisfaction in it? It seemed to please him that my face is groomed and tinted with colors. His fingers ran through my hair.

It's so silky and soft that his fingers wouldn't get tangled on it. Ms. Choi Lei was very good at talking me through it.

I gulped remembering Stella, what if he screams at us.

My eyes grew big when he was about to bend and kiss me. Shit!

"S-Stella's here!" I blurted it out of panic. He stopped, then he looked to his side. Stella awkwardly smiled and waved then bowed.

He leisurely stood back straight. "Please forgive me your Majesty, i'll excuse myself" she bowed again and tip-toed her way out of the closet.

"Get back in there." Cold sweat starts to bead around my forehead. "I-I'm sor-" he cut my words with, "go and pick her a dress."

I looked at him perplexed. I have to wait, he might retort something hurtful. I eyed him carefully as he looked at Stella.

I then looked at Stella, confusion drawn all over her face.

"Have a girl's night out later." I looked at him fast. This is so confusing? I looked back at Stella that was already looking at me, as if saying the words is this real?

"Uh.. Majesty, w-why?" He looked at me. "Why not?" That was a simple answer yet it still is confusing to decode.

I looked back again at Stella, not knowing what to do next. He sighed and we both looked at him at the same time.

"Just to have a fun night for once, you don't like it?" I was about to say that he shouldn't bother, but Stella beat me to it. "She would love to!"


"I hate you.." I said to her as we're inside a limousine. "Come on~ it's not all the time you'd get that kind of offer from the King."

"But it is just unnecessary." My whole make-up had to be more extravagant for tonight because she said it makes her feel better.

"How so? He said it himself? Don't be worked up about it Cinderella" she's teasing me.

"Yeah right." I said sarcastically. "Don't forget that I almost saw you two kiss."

"Stop it." I hissed at her.


"Just try iiit" I pushed the shot glass away from me as she kept insisting. "You know how he'll be when I do this, and I don't drink."

"He knows how a girl's night is, so have a try~"

"Yeah no, i'm not taking a chance of torture from him."

"Fine, fine, go and pick out on the cocktail section then." Hmm, "you sure this wouldn't make me intoxicated?"

"Absolutely." She gave me a wide grin.


"Stella, I think this has alcohol.." my head feels light and my vision shaky. The loud music couldn't reach my voice to hers as she's also screaming with joy.

I shouldn't have drunk the whole thing quickly just because of the sweet taste.. and i shouldn't have trusted her.

I should go.. I stood up and I felt weak that I held on the table. I looked around and I seemed to see a royal guard that passed by in the far corner, or was it the cocktail?

I took slow steps to get far from the table. "Hey where are you going?" I looked at her, and she looks way far drunk.

"We should go home, I can't assist you if you get drunk." I held her arm to persuade her.

"Let's stay for a while more, pleasee~"

"Stellaaaa" she placed me back on the chair. "Just a little more."

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