Chapter fourteen

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I closed my legs and I'm stunned that he squeezed my thigh. I gulped. He decided to raise his hand and it alarmed me. I quickly held his hand without looking. "I want to touch you." His choices of words scared me. I held his hand tighter to not let him go in on me. "Look at me when i'm talking."

I gathered my little strength left in me for the day. I looked. "Tell me what's on your mind." I don't know.. i really don't even know what exactly.. "n-nothing your Majesty"

I squawked when his hand forcefully went up "n-no!" I immediately tried to push his hand down. Argh! He's like a stone! His hand isn't moving in me and I pray that he keeps it that way.

"Now tell me what's on your mind." I looked at him, "please don't use force" I spoke out pleading. That's one thing I don't like. I want my own pace and time. His hand is still, but it's just really stuck on my slit and it's shameful to my core.

"Why should i."

"B-Because i hate it." He chuckled, "you hate it?" I nodded. "But that's how I am." At that moment, I zoned out. His other hand grabbed my hair. "Would you hate me for it?" He closed his face to mine. "Would you, a servant, hate your King?" I closed my eyes feeling my doom was about to come. "If I touch you to my heart's content, how I'll objectify you." I feel like crying from imagining it already. "I won't spare your body even if you cry."

I whimpered when his hand pulled my panty down. I felt it just fall around my ankle. I quietly sobbed when his fingers lightly stroked my stomach.

Now I'm just in my clothes without panties. I shouldn't have worn a skirt today.. could this have seduced him, it is tight.. and ends above knees.

"When do you ovulate?" Oh God, I don't know?? I don't keep track of it.. I don't feel like a proper woman now that I think about it. My period is irregular and so I cared less about it.. I shaked my head. "You don't know? You're a woman." He sounds disappointed. I do too. "Let me see." He took a step away and i was shocked when he was trying to look down at my panties on the floor, i quickly kicked it away.

Why is he so uncouth? "Get it again. Now." He commanded. "Please.." I plead as I shake my head. "Get it so I can know when to impregnate you." God this is so demeaning. He doesn't seem to wait as he already tried to take a step away, i quickly blocked him and pushed him to stop.

"Then get it yourself." I shake my head again as I hang my head low. I can't. It's too much. What if there's just too much discharge??

I screamed when he threw me over his shoulder. He still went to pick it up. I covered my face with shame.

"There's nothing much here. Tell me what have you been feeling the whole day."

"T-Tired." He sighed in a defeated tone. "Have you been having lustful thoughts?" He asked as he placed me down. "N-No." although before, i feel so horny in some type of way.. "Do you feel changes in your body? Has your breasts become tender?" "O-Oh my God, n-no your Majesty." Why are all these questions so mortifying??

He just pulled my shirt up without my consent. "Oh God-" I turned around to try and walk away but he yanked my arm back to face him. "Stay still." He snapped.

I kept trying to pull myself away, he then turned me around but he pulled me to him and constrained my arms behind me. "Don't make me tie you when we fuck." He snarled at my ear and i felt both heat and fear. "Why do your breasts look so tender? Are you lying."

I shaked my head quickly, "i-it's not!" I feel his breath on my shoulder. I gasped heavily when I saw his hand just right above my breast.

And with that, he seized my breast and kneaded it. "Gah!" I tried to pull myself again. Oh God!

It's clearly soft! Why does he keep doing it! "S-Stop!" I shrieked when he pinched my nipple. The insides of my breast when kneaded felt so ticklish and it adds arousal.

His hand went to my other breast. "Your Majesty stop!"

"I own this body. Who are you to claim it?" He whispered and I can't refute. "And one day, my child will own this body too. If you won't take care of my child, I won't have second thoughts to slit your throat clean."

I looked away as I squinted my eyes shut and pursed my lips. There's really no escape to my fate. He kept kneading my breasts and I kept suppressing my whimpers.

He lets go of my hands and used both his to cup each of my breasts as his chin rests on my shoulder. "You are aware that if you get pregnant, these will get larger, right?"

"Yes.." then his hand went back to my stomach. "And this will grow.." the thought of my round tummy..

"Should we just do it until you get pregnant?" He whispered and I was quick to shake my head.

"Fine. But tell me when you're ovulating. If this coming month ends and we haven't done it, you're done for." He walked away..

I just slowly picked my clothes up from the floor.


"Yieee!! You both kissed!!!" I've been telling her to calm herself for minutes now. "Quiet now, can you.. teach me about something?"

She took deep breaths. "Okay i'm good, what is it?" This is humiliating.. "w-what do you feel when you're ovulating.." she just stared at me. "Nevermind" I turned around but she caught my hand. "Did King Jeon ask you about it?"

I nodded my head as this woman shrieked in joy again. "Oh my.. King Jeon is really.." she let her words hang as her eyebrows bobs up and down indicating something naughty. "Just please say it"

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