Chapter fifty-two

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"Face me." He pulled my arm to turn my body back. I couldn't keep my frown and gazed at him. "I won't allow it." He frowned as well.

I aggressively turned my body away from him again. "Don't be stubborn. This is for you two."

"Go away." I blurted it out and i won't take it back and ask for forgiveness that i addressed him with no manner and respect. I'm really irritated right now.

"What did you just say to me?" His tone sounds astounded from my rude behavior. "Go. Away."

"Haa~!" His tongue wouldn't stop lapping it to my clit. I'd push his head off if he didn't just tie my hands on the head board.

I shuddered when he intentionally creates those erotic slurping sounds. That just tortures my body temperature.

His tongue slid in my whole and thrusted in and out of it, tickling my insides, causing me to sob in pleasure.

"Give me that stupid attitude again." He taunts and goes back to slurping my clit. "Mah!!"

He should k-know about hormones! Ha!!

He spreads my legs to my extent and I squirm that he's rubbing his tongue on my clit better.

"H-Ha- ah!" J-Just a little more and i'm- "ugh! Haaa~!"

I throbbed so hard as I came and a static-like sensation ran through my body as i shaked. I shrieked when he wouldn't stop again.

"N-No! I'm done!" I screamed as I panted heavily. I sobbed and became sensitive again.

He finally stopped, my body felt like it fell from somewhere high. I breathe. He went on top of me and an evident amount of my cum is glimmering on his lips.

"If I say no, you do as I say." I forced myself to just nod at his dominant trait. He licked his lips and that made me tighten my legs together.

He untied my hands and what caught me off guard was that he kissed my wrist that got red marks.

I could say to myself how odd I've been becoming but he's more alarming.


I dressed simply and just wore light make-up. He said it's time to have a check-up.

Before I got to walk on the first step of the stairs, I felt a hand wrap behind me to my hip. I looked beside me and King Jeon tightened his hold on me as our bodies collided, side by side.

"Hm?" I hummed. "You're clumsy." He said and that insulted me. I have never fallen on any stairs in my entire life. Pssh. Rude.

We came down the stairs together and I don't know why but it felt nice.

The royal guard opened the car door and he allowed me to first enter.

Wow. So this is a royal limousine? It also looks heavily thick for protection. Two private looking guards dressed in a tuxedo sat in front.

They started the car and I kept wondering my eyes all over this fancy transportation.

"Are you comfortable?" I quickly looked at him. "Yes, Majesty."

The car suddenly got so shaky that he held me tight. "The fuck is wrong with you. She's pregnant." He hissed to the driver.

"My apologies Majesty. A cat got run over."

"W-What?.." my mood instantly switched. The thought of a poor cat just got run over. My throat starts to hurt and my eyes are getting watery.

"Shit. Why would you fucking hit a damn cat!" He started getting irritated. I sobbed and cried thinking of the cat.

"Majesty, it just ran across the street, I couldn't halt the car quickly."

He shut the window that's in between the driver and us and he rubbed my arm. "Shh."

"I-It died." I said and i sobbed louder. "Tell me what i have to do."

I shaked my head and kept crying. "Do you want me to kill him?"

"N-No!" I still cried. He sighed, seemed to be running out of patience.

"I'll make a regulation to have all animals that are stray to be taken cared of. Will that do good?" I slowly stopped crying and nodded my head.

He wiped my face with wet wipes. Oh no, the make-up must've runned all over my face.

After he cleaned my face, he took my head and rested it on his chest.


"Well, Majesty, she's healthy. Shall we proceed to the ultrasound?" He nodded and I felt anxious at how far along I was. My bump has been more prominent than before.

His Majesty assisted me to lay down on the bed. "Majesty, may you please lift her dress then cover the rest of her with this blanket." Doctor handed him a towel and I lamented wearing a dress. I hadn't thought of it enough.

The doctor left the room. He lifted my dress up and I felt awkward.

He covered my bottom part snuggly. I could tell by the way he really fits the blanket around me. He really became that protective, I sometimes think that he's overdoing it for the baby. His baby.

We watched the doctor come back inside whilst looking at some papers. "Is everything prepared Majesty?"

"Yes." I watch the doctor's every move in donning his gloves. Mind you, he seems to be around the age of the King, maybe a few years older.

He turned around towards me with a tube that seemed to be the gel. He squeezed some directly on my tummy and it's cold. "Cold?" He smiled at me when he must've seen me react a little.

"Ah, yes doctor." I smiled. He took what looks to be the probing device. "This here is called a transducer, and if you please look at the computer screen right here, we'll get to see the baby."

He started to move the transducer around my belly with the gel as I looked at the screen.

"13 weeks pregnant. Would you like to know the gender of the baby, your Majesty?" The doctor asked.

"Yes." I looked at his Majesty and he seemed to be frowning. He should be happy he'll get to know his baby today.

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