Chapter one hundred fifteen

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My face wasn't so overdone which I loved the most and what I was scared most about.

"You are so amazing Samantha.." I said as I couldn't stop gazing at myself.

I turned around to look at my back and I felt like blushing with how sexy I am.

"Final touch." She suddenly spoke and I didn't know what she was pertaining to so I faced her.

She's holding the train and it seems to be so long.

"Please turn back around for me, miss."

I watched her from the mirror and tried to decide where to plant the little comb looking with long teeth in my bun.

She then stuck it in my hair and my head feeling a little tight but still comfortable.

"Wow.." she says in awe after looking at me. She then fixes my train.

"Did you know that the longer the train, the closer the relationship was said to be between the bride and the monarch, miss?"

"Really?" I said flabbergasted. Wow.

"Yes, the train also highlights the bride's social rank." She added as she smiled again.

I never knew about these..

I grabbed the train from behind me and I examined it. It also has the same details as my gown, it has its own beads as well and so are my heels that matched the gown.


"Miss, time to go."

I don't usually quiver unless I am angry or crying, but right now, inside this car, holding the white roses which are so many is making me quiver with nervousness.

It still hasn't sunk in me that all this is real.

I took deep breaths. "Nothing to worry about, miss." Samantha tries to soothe me.

She's sat next to Mr. Seong, she told me she had to come so she could touch me up for anything missing on me or she could fix my train and so on.

I smiled at her.

I never even knew what church it would be held at.

"Mr. Seong, will it be far?" And just as I asked that, the cat fully stopped.

I looked to the window and my Lord, I couldn't even see the top of this huge church.

It looks so tranquil..

Guards suddenly rushed to the front of my door and opened it.

I struggled getting out with how big the gown is.

I thanked them as they guard me walking up tge stairs.

The big doors are closed but I could hear music faintly.

Samantha fixed my gown and train then all of a sudden, my vision was covered.

I didn't know the train also had a veil attached to it.

"You are so beautiful, miss, I hope you lead a good life with our Majesty." She bowed to me and then she knocked on the big door and stepped away.

God this is it.

I felt my palms get so sweaty as I waited for the door.

Oh God I feel like peeing from the pressure. I heaved a long exhale to calm myself.

"Am I late?" A voice broke my train of thoughts apart. That voice..

I looked to my side and gasped. "Y-You.. how?" I felt frozen in my spot.

Looking at him with a suit. "I can't let you walk down the aisle alone."

"Kian I.."

He took my hand and he made me wrap it around his arm. "I have to say, him talking to me was the last thing I'd expect out of any day to happen." He said as I could only stare at him.

He then turned his head to look at me. "Who am I to not walk my beautiful girl to his man." He smiled and I felt like crying, not knowing that I'd get to see him on this day.

"I love you, still, but he loves you more than I could give." I could sense security in his voice, at how willing he is to set his feelings free.

"Kian I.. I have no words to say.." I said with my voice cracking. "Do not cry for me, I am happy for you, I really am. We both talked so now, I want you to walk down this aisle to him with no more heavy emotions in your heart."

How can I not?? He just appeared in front of me with us not having a proper conversation of how things ended before.

Tears rolled of my face and he seemed to still see it behind the veil so he took his handkerchief and lifted my veil and dabbed it on my face lighty.

He just ended up making me cry more. "Y/n, we can't proceed to your wedding if you're going to wail here." He chuckles.

"I just.. I'm so sorry.." I said with an ache in my heart.

"All is forgiven, I wouldn't be standing here otherwise, right?" He lowered my veil and I sniffed.

He chuckled one last time before we got to fix ourselves.

Now I have so many emotions in me. He took a quick step forward to knock on the door again.

Seconds long did it take before the big doors slowly opened.

The music now felt louder and as the door ajars open, I can see the people standing.

I took a sharp breath of sigh to calm myself.

Once the door fully opened, we both took a step and that's when I felt the magic this church has.

The sorrow I felt seconds ago turned to happiness.

People have worn their best smiles for me and it squeezes my heart.

I looked ahead on the altar and I could just see his figure and I've never felt more ready in my entire life.

As we approached the altar, my heart drums in pure joy.

Few more steps and we're-

Kian suddenly stopped. I looked at him. "I'm not sending you there." He smiled.

"What?" I felt my mind rattle but a hand made on my back made me tense and so my head quickly turned to see Aunt Mona.

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