Chapter ninety-one

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We walked a long way before I finally saw the black cars parked in a hidden place. So they planned this, to catch us off guard.

Who could've reported me? I was sure to hide my face. The guard pushed me inside the car and made me sit in the middle while he and another guard sat both sides of mine.

I laid my head on the head rest as I sigh. I slowly shut my eyes.


I woke up when I felt someone shake me. "We have arrived." I felt numb seeing the palace. They did their best to get me out of the car since I wouldn't dare move a muscle.

"Walk. you've done us enough trouble." he said through his gritted teeth. Argh, it's not me! I wanted to stay away from him..

I pulled my arm away from his grip and gave him an irritated look.

I took long strides ahead of them to go inside the palace. I got inside and it's empty as before. I went up the stairs and I checked behind me, two of the guards still tail me.

I walked to the door of his chamber when I finally saw it. I carefully held the door knob and inhaled deeply. I turned it and..

No one.

I decided to enter and close the door behind me. I looked around while I walked to the window. I feel like a knife is placed back inside my heart.

I gazed at the view then I heard the door open.


I turned around hearing that voice. "Oh God!" she rushed to me with Seol in her arms as she cried.

"S-Stella!" I burst out crying, hugging her and holding Seols hand. "God! Where did you go?? I was worried sick when I heard you ran away!"

I could only cry and she made me hold Seol. I kissed Seol on her cheeks, sobbing. She just claps and I laughed at her while crying.

"y/n, don't scare me like that again. I was startled when guards scan every house there is in our town.

"I quickly went here to check and.. Majesty made me a custodian to take care of Seol." I pretended not to hear his title.

"y/n.." she called my name and I know that kind of voice. "I have no clue what happened between you two," she held my hand, "but he was restless.. He would either train or drink waiting for you."

My eyes shut close hearing that. "I know you wouldn't leave just like that, but I can see how much he regrets it."

"He would go with his guards to search for you..or tire himself training." I opened my eyes when I felt Seol lean her head to my shoulder. I kissed her forehead.

"Despite that, he can still take care of Seol."

"Stella.. Honestly, I have no idea what runs in my mind at this very moment." I said hurt, looking at her tear-stained eyes. "I know, and you don't have to say a word." She then hugged me.

I heard the door open and I couldn't muster to look. Stella carefully looked at me and took Seol from me.

She walked away from me then I just heard the door close. I hear footsteps approach me from behind.

I looked down and I could see his silhouette walk past me and stand in front of me.

I can't take this. I turned around to walk away but he caught my arm. "Please." I remained standing for a while, thinking.

I then turned around to face him. Pulling my arm from him weakly. I looked him right in the eyes to find him looking at me sad. He wanted to hold my face but I looked away. All we have left to do is talk.

"What's all the commotion, Majesty?" I stared blankly at him. "I did everything you wanted," my voice then cracked from all the crying, "I gave you a child, stayed far longer, and left, just as we compromised."

He just ran his hands on his face. "You should rest for now-"

"No." he then looked away, clenching his jaw. "Do as I say-" I laughed to cut him off. "We'll talk and I'll go back-"

"This is your home!" he spat, looking at me with rage but he had to run his hands on his face again. "Fuck! y/n."

"No, this is prison." I weakly said, my eyes threatening to tear up again. "Then let me change it." He emphasized every word, he wanted to reach for my hand but I moved it away from him. "What for? What more do-"

"I want more!" he hissed at my face and I felt myself breaking loose. "On what?!" I shouted back.

"You!!" I stopped for a moment, processing what he said. "What?" he pants then he runs his hand on his hair. He took a step closer to me and held my face with both of his hands. "I want more of you."

His eyes wavered.

I stayed blank. As if I didn't understand him, like he talked in another language. "I don't get it. I already gave everything.." I said all while my voice cracked. "Then what's there to be troubled about?.. stay." his eyes would flicker.

"I can't. I can't go back to this all over again." I whispered as I already felt myself about to cry. He just doesn't understand how much I gave a part of me. That when I left all behind, I felt myself missing.

"It will not be again." I could see his eyes starting to redden. "How." I whispered in the air, looking at him as I felt a tear fall from my eye. "How can you say that."

"Because for the first time, I felt scared." he whispered back and my eyes poured like a well while I tried my best to not break down in front of him, I kept my composure from sobbing. "I thought I lost you." he whispered while looking at me with glossy eyes.

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