Chapter thirty-eight

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He hyperventilates, "open it." I must be a lunatic that I obeyed him. Seconds after opening my mouth, I felt him spurt his cum in my mouth. "Argh-!" He groaned, grabbed my hair as cum continued to slip inside my mouth, down to my throat.

He has been watching all this time and his fucked-up face made me feel victorious inside. His cock throbs a little more in my mouth and when I knew he was all done, I sucked his tip and he hissed.

"Fuck!" He pulled it out and I mildly tasted his cum. He pants, looking at me.


"I couldn't approach him! After I ran for him, I saw him hug a woman!!" Stella spills about the dancer guy.

I chuckled, "there are still other men out there you know?"

"Yeah but it's not him," she crossed her arms. Hmm, what's with "him" that Hasmin and her keep using.

Will that pronoun really ring in your mind once you find someone interesting? I had a few men that I liked back then but they never really screamed him.

"Yah! Are you listening!" She waved her hand on my face and I blinked. I spaced out.. "Sorry, something just came to mind."

"Oohhh, who could it be~" she nudged my arm. "Stella, it's not a "who" okay? So you can rest it."

She moved and sat in front of me, "who do you like, tell me." Her eyes are wide open, waiting for any juicy information I've got.

"No one?" She raised her hands in annoyance, "oh come oooon"

"You know I still have to return the favor for King Jeon right? I don't have time for that, and the last thing I need is another man getting in between us and having another problem."

"But it would just be a little secret between us!" She shakes my hand like a little kid, asking for more candies. "I really don't fancy anyone here Stella."

"Then was it King Hiero?" His name got me thinking. I want to know how he has been.. "no, I told you, that kiss was just an impulse."

"I don't agree, you don't just kiss anyone you don't find tempting-"

"King Hiero?" A woman's voice echoed his name. Me and Stella both looked at the doorway. Hasmin.

She walked in front of us, looking down as we were sitting on the floor, having a break from cleaning the throne room.

"Leave us." She said to Stella, she looked at me for a brief moment and I just nodded so she could leave.

I watch her get up and leave the throne room. I soon got up to face her. Her presence starts to irk me.

"You've had a connection with King Hiero?" She crossed her arms. "Just for a while."

"Would you want to go back?" Her smirking lips make me doubt. Even if I wanted to, King Jeon might just throw missiles at it without warning.

"No." She lifted her brow, in question for my answer. "Do not tell me you've fallen for the King."

"I never will-"

"And if you did?" That's absurd. "He's a man i would not be c-"

"And if you did?" She repeated it, wanting the straight answer, wanting to know the possibility. "I will keep it."

She started laughing, and it makes me anxious that I am just alone with her. Her laugh died down and she frowned, "King Jeon is not someone you can easily get rid off."

"I will not stay here for long." I just really need to conceive..

"Then watch it, look at the months passing by. Let's see you rot in his plan." She chuckled, then her eyes saw my necklace. She held the crystal.

"You will just end up with a dismantled body under six feet of this land he rules." She whispered, letting go of the pendant.

"But then again, he seem to have grown on you, and i fucking dispise it." She spat and grabbed my hair. I balled my hands into fists.

She is delusional. I have to control my temper or she could turn the story around and make me questionable.

"You are wrong. It is just for show." Pshh, what even is to show?

"The thing is, both of you are bad at acting." What does she mean by that? Acting??

She saw my confusion. "You are stupid as ever, i don't even see why he chose you!" She pushed me so forcefully that I stumbled and crashed on the wall, hitting the side of my head.

"Ah!" I groaned, the pain radiating. "I just know that he'll send me far away any day, and before he gets to, I need his little pet to know that I'll still be watching."

What the?? She's a psycho?? She seems to need serious help or counseling? What is her family doing, are they actually aware of her behaviour?

"You just have to give him and a child and get lost. Got that!" She yanked my hair to stand me straight. Ugh! This bitch!

"Yes!" I screamed from the pain. She pushed me again and I fell on the floor. I watch her scoff and look at me as if I'm the pathetic one. She turned around and walked away like nothing happened.

I groaned standing up.


I sat on the bed, massaging my hip from the fall. Even my scalp hurts.

Ugh, I just want to rest for a while.. could i? I mean, it's afternoon, yeah why not.

I'd just take a nap. I went to my side of the bed and plopped my body on it...

"Useless, call me when something like that occurs again! Leave!" I woke up with his loud voice, causing me to quickly sit up with probably massive bed hair and crusty eyes.

I blinked several times and looked at the clock. Oh! I slept for five hours??

He walked in and saw me, eyebrows shot up. He studied my hair. "S-Sorry your Majesty.. I fell asleep." I stood up.

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