Chapter twenty-five

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"Stop thaaat, I need to bathe quickly, my body still feels like I'm on fire."

"Good Lord.. people really should not cross him." She then did the sign of the cross, i shaked my head, "what was that for?"

"I'm praying for you woman, damn it." Okay I laughed at her face and tone of voice. "Stella, seriously.." I laughed with the impending pain screaming on my body.


"What do you think he would do if you did not get pregnant?" I stopped chewing, it is such a wrong time to ask that. "I.. have no idea.."

"Why are you not thinking about that?"

"Why are you bringing that to the table?" I retorted. "I have many more chores to finish after this, so talk." I continued chewing. "Stella come over, we need a pair of hands" someone walked in.

Stella stuffed the last spoonful of food she had on her plate. "Bahbah" she said with her mouth full as she caught up with the maid. She meant bye bye.

Back to the question.. what if i really didn't conceive. What if I am infertile? Will he discard my body, lifeless?

God Stella, you had to give me yet again another thought to dread.


"Have you been feeling off?" I shaked my head. "Increased urination?" I shaked my head. "Nauseous?" I shaked my head. "Became more sensitive to smell?" I shaked my head. "Have your emotions been imbalanced in a way?" I shaked my head. "No cravings?" I shaked my head.

"Hmm, would you be okay if we get a blood sample?" The doctor asked me. "Do not ask, just take it." King Jeon spoke but his mind seemed to fly elsewhere, then he looked at my eyes which I quickly but poorly dodged.

I'm so scared. What would he do to me if he did not like what the doctor would say? "One month and no signs, do every test possible if one does not work." He ordered again. "Yes your Majesty" the doctor called for his nurse.

She starts to prepare the syringes beside me. I gulped. She checks if the needle is secured and the plunger works. "This will be quick, I will put in 3.. 2.."

"Hmp!" Oh God it stings. I watched my blood fill the barrel of the syringe. Then she covered the site.

"Your Majesty, we will do a blood test and it will just take fifteen minutes or less."

"Do it quicker if possible" he spoke but eyes were piercing me in a different way. Not a scary one, but he looks to have a different plan in his eyes. I looked away as I lay down on the bed. His bed.

Not long enough and the doctor and nurse came back. They bowed in front of him. "Your Majesty, the blood test result is negative, she is not pregnant." Oh God. I covered my face, I could care less if they saw me this way. I heard his tongue click.

Oh no.. "Your Majesty, may I ask her a few questions?"

I just heard footsteps coming my way. I slowly removed my hands. I sat up, now feeling nauseated from fear. "Have you been drinking? Or just generally being unhealthy in some type of way?"

"No doc." He then turned around. "How about you, your Majesty, have you stopped drinking?"

"Why is it about me."

"Your Majesty, if i may explain, alcohol is a big factor to your fertility as well, not just on women, it could lessen sperm production and so on-"

"Fine." The doctor and nurse bowed and walked away. I gulped as I looked to my side to avoid him. "Come here."

I loathe my life.

I climbed down the bed and walked to him, looking down at the floor. "What are you feeling." He nonchalantly said which took me back. "Scared.."

"Look at me," I did and he's just looking right at me with that dangerous glare as his index finger rubs the bottom of his lip. What could his thought process be formulating? "Why are you afraid." He tilted his head a little.

"Because.. I did not conceive.." I slowly let it out. "Do not take it by heart. Sit on my lap." W-What?

I blinked several times. He pats his thigh. Oh Lord, I thought I heard it wrong.. I internally sighed. I turned around and when I was about to sit- "facing me."

Please do not do it now, I am not ready for another dreadful event. I turned around and carefully sat on him. I gulped as I looked at him. Eyes still looking sharp.

"Tell me how your day was." I-Is this King Jeon?? I looked at him weird. Did he take some medication? Did he finally look after his anger issues?

"Too unusual?" He asked and I fixed my facial expression that I seemed to show. "Y-Yes your Majesty."

"Go on, tell me."

Okay..? "I was-" what he said next stopped my brain from working. "While stroking me."

"W-What?" I said as if I knew some shocking news. "Touch me while you speak." Oh God. I can't run, I can't fight and I can't defy. But I stayed stiff.

I quickly looked away when he undid his pant's button. Then my body ran cold when his hand held my wrist and took it. I resisted for a moment but I remembered who i'm sitting on.

My face was suddenly pulled and in just a millisecond, we're kissing. After minutes of kissing, my lips already feel numb, "take it out." He murmured in my lips.

I can't- I have to! Argh! I pulled the zipper down while he kept kissing me. He must have been keeping it for a month. But he shouldn't. He should have some other woman to do it with. Why me?

"I-I can't t-take it out your Majesty.." I murmured even if I didn't try. He moved, then he quickly took my wrist and my eyes shot open when he wrapped my hand around his shaft.

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