Chapter sixty-four

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I got up and looked around. This is such a huge place. I heard footsteps behind me and I turned to see Mr. Seong behind me.

Is he.. supposed to follow me? I turned back around to just keep walking.

My eyes caught a big gym. I should walk near it to see if there are any people.

I took the steps and popped my head to the door to see no one working out but there is a man wiping the counter.

"Oh I apologize, I believe this whole place is rented by someone." He smiled politely. What a charming man.

I showed my whole body and he got baffled and chuckled. "I apologize once again."

I chuckled as well. "I was just here to roam around." I said I was embarrassed by our interaction. "Oh~ of course, feel free, Miss."

Jogging footsteps coming closer caused both of us to turn around. I gulped seeing King Jeon with knitted brows as he looked around.

"Majesty." I heard the man I was just talking to get baffled while I remained timid with his death stare.

He went in and held my arm tight. He pulled me out of the gym when we were finally alone, he turned around to face me.

"I didn't know walking meant talking to a man."

"I was just checking the gym, Majesty." Why does he always take me as a flirtatious woman? As if he feels threatened with the slightest interaction with another man.

"What for. You are damn pregnant. Make a better excuse." I scoffed that he's taking my words as a flimsy excuse.

"Majesty, i just wanted to see people-"

"You feel the need to see more men?" He sounded out like he's right and it's hurting me that he's seeing me this way.

My eyes start to sting with my throat. "It's because for once, I hoped that I'd get to talk with other people. I don't think you realize how lonely it is to be locked inside a room for months." Tears flowed out and his expression didn't change.

I turned around and walked back the other way wiping my eyes and when I looked up ahead, I saw those six men eyeing us from here.

I took another turn and walked. I couldn't care less if our voices were louder than intended.

Footsteps rustle behind me. "Mr. Seong, please leave me for now." I kept walking without looking and Mr. Seong wouldn't listen. "Mr. S-!"

I got turned around by two hands and it's Majesty with a much infuriated look. I matched it. "What. Want me to apologize?" He said, smirking, testing my patience.

"Can you for once, get off my face, I'm growing tired of it." I spat while in my peripheral vision, I saw six heads pop to the side of the building.

"Do better." He scowled. I was trying to rip his hands off my arms but he held me tighter. "If I see you one more time talking with another man, I'll stab his throat in front of you." His deep hoarse voice doesn't scare me anymore.

Instead, I laughed at his demeanor. "Don't act possessive, Majesty. I could mistake you for a man with growing intentions."

"You forgot the part where you're alive because I let you." He said, bending forward to get right on my face.

"I would be happy to shoot myself, right now." He suddenly choked me and pushed me until my back hit the wall. I groaned from the impact. "Don't you fucking put my child into this. Kill yourself after she exits your body."

He tightened his grip around my neck and I thought of collapsing from the growing lack of air but he let me go and instead punches the wall beside my face.

It didn't faze me from the anger that I have inside. I stared at him and he didn't back out as well. "Don't you fucking test me."

He pulled my arm and started dragging me. "Let go! Don't you touch me!"

"Seong! Drive!" He opened the car door and I tried to fight him but he's stronger so I still got inside of the car against my will.

Mr. Seong hurriedly went to the drive seat and started the car.

I pulled my arm from him and didn't bother giving him a look.

The whole ride was quiet and I hate that we will go back to that boring palace. I should sneak out tonight and at least rest in the garden.


He aggressively pulls me out of the car and it's infuriating so I punched his arm but he didn't mind it.

He dragged me up the stairs and when we were close to his chamber, I attempted to run off but he caught me right away.

He opened the door and dragged me inside the room with him. He slammed the door loud but I didn't look at him, I let my back face him.

"Face me." Instead, I walked to the bed and lay to my side. I heard the door open and it slammed harder when I heard him walk out. Good.


I came out of the bathroom and walked to the closet with no sign of him.

After I changed, someone knocked on the door. I came to open it and a tray is outside with Mr. Seong holding the handle.

"I'm not hungry Mr. Seong. Good night." I closed and locked the door.

After minutes have passed, someone tries to jiggle the door open. "Open this damn door."

Why should i. I tucked myself into bed and turned the lights off. Not a sound came after that. I snuggled to my pillow but I got alarmed when the door broke open loud.

The lights got turned on but I remained in my sleeping position. "Get up and eat, don't starve my baby." He demanded.

I sighed internally. Only for the baby. I sat up and he handed me a bed tray with a plate of food.

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