Chapter sixty-three

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Hearing him short-winded just behind my ear is making me insane deep down. He sounds so fervid.

"Fuck." He murmured and this has been a first of him being mouthful as he does his sexual desires.

He spreads my ass again and thrusts faster, causing me to moan out loud. "Your sounds turmoil me." He whispered and I did not understand that.

I could only imagine someone's face as they enter here without notice, King Jeon having sexual intercourse with a servant he purposely impregnanted, laying on the bed bare, getting railed even with a plump belly.

"K-King Jeon~" i was calling for him but it came out as a gravely erotic moan. "Call me like that again, I will break you." He weighed every word he said.

It alarmed me that I quickly slapped my hand to my mouth to cover it.

He goes faster and I believe he's close to reaching the top. "Hmp!" I squint my eyes to suppress my moans.

"Argh!" He suddenly grunted loud and removed my hand from my mouth. "Ha~" I dreadfully wanted to curl my body.

Our bodies are both wet from our body heat. I can't stand how icky and sensual this is. If he goes further, I'll surely cum first before he gets to.

I gripped the sheet further, feeling so close- "ack-!" he sounds tormented as he pants, his cock twitches so much all while still moving.

Oh no, I-I'm- "u-ugh~!" I trembled and that's when he halted his hips, catching both our breaths while I enjoyed the euphoric sensation running up on my body. I pant like I ran a whole field.

He pulled out and I shuddered in the process. Unexpectedly, he wrapped his arm around my chest. "How are you" he asked breathlessly. Hot, wet and messy. I could feel my inner thighs wet with our secretions mixed.

"Fine, Majesty.."

"I apologize, I may have the tendency to let myself loose." My cheeks heat up hearing him apologize. I nodded to just let him know that it was alright, even if he did pull my hair, it didn't affect me that much.

My body stiffened when his hand was slowly snaking its way to my ass. He then went further, his fingers stroked my slit that's slimy.

My body flinches while he strokes it. "Is this my cum?" He whispers and I don't know why he has to ask. I timidly nodded.

"It's all over you." My face feels like it's heating up. I tried to scoot my body away from him as we just finished having sex and he's touching me again.

I then felt the bed shift, I looked up and his mouth landed on mine and it took me off guard.

We kissed again.


I watch him pack the necessities needed for when we go to the hospital. I insisted I could do it but he wouldn't allow me.

"Majesty, can I go for a walk in the garden?"

"Why?" He asked, unbothered as he folded her daughter's clothes. "Walking could help in my delivery, Majesty."

He then stood up from sitting on the floor and faced me. "You made up your mind?" Huh? I knitted my brows together as I thought of anything I was indecisive before.

"You're doing a normal delivery." Ah, well.. "why."

"I thought that, since I carried her for months, I could also just bear her Majesty." Also because I do not plan to bear another one anytime soon. I just want to feel what it's like to be a mother, even if it's just mere minutes inside the delivery room.

He's staring at me, all quiet. "Dress up. We'll go back to the farm."

I pursed my lips in a line and was ready to walk when the door suddenly opened.

"Jeon, let's go." A noble looking man with a sly smirk is etched on his face.

I looked at Majesty and he looked at me, "would you prefer to roam inside a court?"


Six men are all staring at me. I feel ashamed. "Who are you again?" One asked.

"Y-Y/n, Sir." I looked down, unable to hold their burrowing eyes on mine. All of them are wearing noble attires, close to what King Jeon wears.

"And how are you related to Jeon?" The one guy who barged in earlier asked. I can't answer that.

Why did King Jeon have to leave me and talk to the owner of this court? But then again, it's these six men that approached me when I was just touching the flowers here.

"This must be one of his mistakes." I hear someone say. Mistake?

"Oh, now that you mention it, I believe so, knowing that he had multiple women in his bed before." Oh my Lord, are they taking me as a harlot?

"How far along are you, miss?" S-Should i answer? They are too intimidating..

"What the fuck are all of you doing there." All of us turned our head to King Jeon's voice.

"Yah! Was she one of your harlots?" A different man pointed me. "Watch your fucking mouth, and don't you dare point." He scowled at him as he walked to us.

"Get back to the court." He said to all of them.

"Aish, would it hurt to know who this lovely woman is?"

"I will leave if you press it further." All of them sighed in defeat. They started jogging away one by one.

"What did they say to you." I shaked my head to not cause a stir. "Pay them no mind." I faintly smiled.


I sat far from where they were but I could hear them. Watching them all play basketball. I didn't figure Majesty to be good at the sport.

"Jimin!" He said as he threw the ball to the guy who barged in the room earlier. So that's his name.

Jimin then received it and threw the ball, getting two points. They stopped all while panting and glistening with sweat. While they are on a break, I should also start walking now.

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