Chapter thirteen

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"I said sit." He finally looked at me and his eyes weren't in the mood. I placed the tray back and I noticed there's no chair..

I sat on the grass beside him. "What the? Here!" He slapped his thigh. "I-I'm good your Majesty." Goodness, why does he always have to make things awkward or complicated.

I froze as he stood up.. i waited for him to maybe drag me or what but i didn't believe it when he sat down beside me. "O-Oh please sit back on your chair your Majesty." I scramble to try and stand up but he just held my arm to still me.


"Your Majesty." The guard stood still and proper with his authoritative voice. "Turn around." The guard swiftly turned still and fast. He tipped the cup to drink everything in it and placed it back on the table.

"What is the name of that flower tea." He still kept looking straight ahead. Is he staring at the flowers this time? "Jasmine blooming, your Majesty."

"Do you like it." Where is he going with this? "Yes your Majesty." It's my favorite. "Why."

"Tastes sweet unlike the rest." Then I see him smirking, what could he be thinking? "Do you like anything other than the taste?"

"Yes.. I like how it blooms under hot water."

"I like it too.." he softly murmured and I looked at him, mystified. His eyes aren't leaving the flowers. Adam's apple bobbed as he gulped hard.

I didn't know he likes Jasmine blooming. I just think it's far from the taste he likes. I believe it's wormwood that he prefers.

"I didn't know our King likes subtle tastes." I looked at the flowers he was looking at. "Only the ones I find alluring." He looked at me and for a moment, his words seemed to speak differently than intended.

I looked away for a brief moment. I need to change the topic. "Mr. Seong, do you still want that tea?" I asked and his body froze for some reason..

"Seong. Leave." He said while looking at me irate. Seriously? Just for tea? His royal guard left. "You really like to toy, do you find this amusing to other men?" He smirked while crawling forward to me..

"No your Majesty." I also backed away from him but he pressed my thighs to stop me. "Really?" He sneered.

He got on top of me within seconds. "Don't toy me around. You wouldn't want me to play you.. differently." He simpered.

"I-I'm not your Majesty." This is alarming, anyone could see us. "You speak so insouciant, maybe because I haven't shown you how I play." I shake my head to stop him.

He crouched down and kissed me. I sealed my lips. "Open it, or I'm touching you right here." He spat on my mouth and I panicked so I acted on it.

He kissed me like the previous times.. hungry. Why does an enigmatic King, which is him, act this certain way? I've always heard on the outside that he kept taking women in every night to fuck. I looked at the sky as I allowed him, then my eyes landed on the window of the kitchen. I gasped when Stella and the rest of the maids were jumping with covered mouths. "Oh my God!" I looked steadily at the window and he grunted that I broke the kiss. He choked me and kissed me again and I watched them cheer.

Are they sane?? "Hmp!" I lashed around to stop him. "What!" He lifted himself. "T-They saw.." I looked at the window and they hurriedly left before he could see them. I gasped again feeling betrayed.

He snarled, "interrupt me again." He taunted. He kissed me again and I kept looking at the window. And just like that they slowly came back and jumped again.

Oh my God they won't see another day after this. I broke the kiss again by moving my face away. "Watch me-" he spat but i beat him to it, "look!" He turned around and I'm happy that he saw half of Stella as she ran to hide.

"Let them be." He spat. "W-What? This is not okay.."


He slammed the door and pushed me on the wall. His hands both wrapped on my neck and he kissed me again. "Undress." He said between our kiss and I felt like my heart got stabbed.

Yes it will happen to me. But I didn't think it would be this early. Before i could even lift my shirt, he stopped my hands.

I looked and his eyes could say how his body and mind contradict.

He kissed me again, slamming his mouth to mine and I've never been more confused. My head didn't hit the wall because his hand held my head. Why is he doing it roughly?

I moved my mouth gently. Arms wrapping around my back and pulling me tighter. His lips start to move away from mine and go down to my neck.

"Ha" I seem to breathe out all of the exhaustion I got from this whole day. As if his mouth relaxes my body. He sucked me. "Hng~" I placed my weight on the wall. Flashbacks of earlier times when Stella and the rest of the maids and servants saw me caused me to move away from him.

Are they maybe talking about me at this very second?.. i looked at him and to my surprise, he doesn't look mad, he's looking at me stoic.

"I-I'm sorry your Majesty.."

He went closer to me again, caging my figure against the wall by his arms and looking right through me. I believe he wants to say something. I waited but only his eyes spoke. Looking at my lips for how long..

My eyes widened a little when his other arm went down and his hand held the side of my thigh, all while looking at me. My eyes quivered and so I looked away. His hands keep sending reverberating currents all throughout my body. Slowly going to the inside of my thigh.

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