Chapter eighty-two

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Oh God. I feel like burning. I quickly looked away to refrain myself from temptation.

"After that, kneel in front of me." He spoke. I still won't look. "I want you sucking on my tip."

Oh God! Make it stop!

"Majesty, please. Seol is here." I panicked. "Say yes and I'll stop."

I remained quiet. "Y/n." It's not going to work. Even if he sings my- "shun me again and I'll have you sucking my cock while you feed my daughter."

My head turned to look at him slowly with utmost shock. Where is he even getting these ideas??

He tilted his head to the side, waiting for my answer. "Yes." I forcefully let out.

Then I slowly turn my head back again to avoid looking at him.

Goodness, has he always been like this with his harlots?

I look down to Seol, "I hope you grow up big and strong to not end up like me, you hear me?" She hums in agreement as if she really understood me.

I chuckled at her- "ha~!" I squinted one of my eyes in pain when she suddenly bit my nipple. "No Seol, don't do that.."

I tickled her little and she squirms in excitement.

"What did she do?" I hear an entity- I mean Majesty, ask from across the room. "She bit my nipple, Majesty."

"I wonder where she got it from." I rhetorically asked without giving him a glance and I heard him chortle at that.

Seol held her foot up while she drank and I found it entertaining. Children can really bring you amusement.

She all of a sudden detached her mouth from me and I had to wait if she'd drink some more. "Bah-bah-bah"

I had to lightly push her face towards my nipple so she could continue but she wouldn't. "Alrighty then~" I said to her as I stood up to give her a burp.

I held her up and started patting her back. "Mam-mam-ma" she talks to herself and i hear Majesty approaching us from behind.

"Hello princess-" he was about to kiss her cheeks but i had to move her away. "Majesty, you kissed me earlier."

He has that questioning look. "You can't kiss her unless you brush your mouth, bacteria can be passed to her."

"Then I'll just have to kiss you instead." He grabbed my nape and kissed me for a hot minute. He broke it off after and he got me dazed.

I cleared my throat and continued to pat her back.

"You have to burp now my love, daddy is getting bored, you're stealing her from me." I watch Majesty brush his thumb on her cheek.

She continues to blabber to him and Majesty agrees to her as if both of them understood each other. I couldn't help smiling at them.

He took her hand and he sniffs it out of adoration. Even i do that when I can't handle her cuteness.

She finally burps. But I can't put her down just yet or she'll be cranky.

"You can put her on her chair." I looked at Majesty, "she might get fussy when she gets bored Majesty."

"Seong!" And in seconds, Mr. Seong walks inside. I had to look down at Majesty and I'm relieved he's in a towel.

He took her from my hands and he gave it to Mr. Seong who now has a bewildered look.


"Entertain her for the moment." Is he- is he serious?? There's no problem when it comes to Seol, she's cheerful to anyone, it's the fact that Majesty has to give her to his guard is..

Mr. Seong looked like he knew his days were numbered if something were to happen to the princess.

I took his sharp staff off of him and placed it on the corner of this room for no accidents. "You can go." Majesty dismissed him and Seol is just bickering at him.

I giggled watching Mr. Seong walked with care out of this room.

"You better be smiling at my daughter." I looked and he had a serious face. There he is again with that attitude. "Of course, Majesty."

Then his playful aura got back. He inches towards me and pulls me in a kiss. I pulled myself away from him for a moment. "What is it this time." he sounds so impatient. I actually have no reason, I just.. did it.

"oh.. uh" think think think! "Stop stalling." He pulled my arm as he walked to the bed and sat on it. He let go of me, eyes gazing at mine. "Please me." I blinked several times and just kneeled before him.

"O-Of course, Majesty.." I unraveled the towel around him and he's still half hard and it's growing big again as I look at it.

His hand held my nape, causing me to look at him. "Don't eye me like that if you're not planning to have sex."

I gasped since I wasn't giving him any seductive look. I got flustered so I looked away. I should just..

I held his shaft and lowered my face. I welcomed his tip on my mouth and I felt his hand tighten on my nape. I lowered my face further and his hand crept to my hair and I could feel his hand just grip it.
Just by wrapping my mouth on his shaft has me turned on. How bulging it is and thick to the feel. I ran my mouth deeper and went back to his tip and sucked it causing him to hiss. In a second, he pushed my head hard causing his cock to go deep in my throat causing me to gag and cough.

I completely pulled away to cough. Oh God, that was an awful lot of feeling. I'm fighting the urge to give him a bad eye so I went for it again and sucked him instead.

My eyes widened when he pulled my face and he's kissing me.. "I want you." he said in the middle of kissing. "Majesty i-i'm not.. not yet-"

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