𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯; 𝘵𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘢 𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘷𝘪𝘷𝘦

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Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom

------ "there are no secrets that time does not reveal." ------


                    THE NEXT FOUR DAYS, the school could talk of nothing else but the attack on Mrs

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                    THE NEXT FOUR DAYS, the school could talk of nothing else but the attack on Mrs. Norris and the five Hogwarts second years who were caught alone at the scene. Filch had kept it fresh on everyone's minds, pacing at the spot where she was attacked, as though he thought the attacker might come back. Liv and Mattheo had even seen him scrubbing the message off the wall with Mrs. Slower's All-Purpose Magical Mess Remover on their way to class, but to no avail; the words still glimmered as brightly as ever on the stone. When Filch wasn't guarding the scene of the crime, he was skulking red-eyed through the corridors, lunging out at unsuspecting students and trying to put them in detention for things like breathing loudly or looking happy. He had even tried to get Liv in detention, still bitter and accusatory towards her, but every time, Mattheo was there, proving very thoroughly that she didn't do anything wrong. He had been following her since Halloween, almost in a protective way. Which didn't particularly bother her, but she had a feeling it was bothering Daphne. She knew the Greengrass girl wasn't ready to admit why, so she didn't push her.

When Liv and her friends got to Transfigurations that November day, they were surprised that Professor McGonagall allowed them the class to catch up on work. Or to work ahead if they were already caught up like Hermione was. But the Granger girl couldn't focus, which Liv assumed was the same reason she couldn't either. Thoughts consumed of Chamber of Secrets.

"Miss Granger? Miss Potter?" The two girls nervously glanced up to find Professor McGonagall standing before them, with a stern yet confused expression on her, "Why aren't you working?"

Liv's cheeks heated up, feeling some eyes on the two now. But Hermione? She put her quill down, crossing her arms, paying no attention to no one except her Professor, "Professor McGonagall, could you tell us anything about the Chamber of Secrets?"

The class came to a hushed stop, everyone now looking at the two girls. Millicent Bulstrode, who had been revising an essay, accidentally tore her parchment; Draco Malfoy, who was finishing up his composition for Potions, looked up and stared at Liv, who stared at Professor McGonagall. Peter Whiteford had looked at Liv as well, though she wasn't even the one who asked the question.

"My subject is Transfiguration, Miss Granger," said Professor McGonagall.

"Yes, Professor, but there seems to be very little written about the Chamber of Secrets," said Hermione, "For those of us with a personal interest in the subject, that is...disturbing."

Liv just knew that the girl was speaking from experience. It was no surprise Hermione had gone to find information about the chamber herself.

Malfoy had regarded Hermione with chilly amusement, which had caused Daphne and Ronnie to roll their eyes, who sit near him and Mattheo. Professor McGonagall considered Hermione's question for a long moment and then nodded.

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