Chapter 6

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Y/n's POV
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
April 6, 2016

*ring.... ring.... ring*


I rolled over and looked at the time on my phone as my alarm went off again. 4:10 a.m. I then sighed before getting up. Since Rihanna and her team don't get up until.... shit, whatever time that is, I decided to go for a workout instead. I got up and went to my bag to pull out a compression shirt, shorts, and my running shoes.

I went to the bathroom to take a leak before washing my hands and start my hygiene routine. About 10 minutes passed before I put my hair in a low bun. I then put some deodorant on before getting my key, headphones, and phone and leaving my room without waking up anybody.

It took me a few minutes before locating the hotel gym and going to the treadmill. I would usually do a light jog for about 30 minutes to warm up. After the first 10, I increased the incline from 0 to 5. Eventually, I took it to 10 in the final 10-minute increment. I finished that and got off before going to weights. I lifted a set of 40-pounds before doing a routine of shoulder presses, bicep curls, hammer curls, and side raises, all with 3 sets of 10. I put the weights down and went to the pressing station to do chest press, in the same increments, with 100-pounds of weight.

After getting done with arms and shoulders, I started on legs by doing squats, lunges, and calf raises with 70-pound dumbbells, same increments. I went back to the machines and did leg curls and the leg presses, using 200-pounds before finishing that and start on my final workouts, abs. I found an empty mat and lied down before doing several sets of sit-ups, Russian Twists, crunches, and finally a 1-minute plank.

Damn, I hated that shit. Whoever created a plank can take they ass straight to hell.

I looked back at my phone to make sure I was making good time. 5:21 a.m. Good.

I decided to end off with 20 minutes on the stair stepper. Every time I got on one, I felt like I was stepping up to the pearly gates. Made a nigga almost lose they life. Once I finished that, I went ahead and sat in the sauna to cool down and burnt some more sweat. Once it felt hotter, I exited before I fell the fuck out.

I looked at the time and saw that it was 15 til 6 a.m. I decided that it was time to go before more people started to show up to workout. Definitely didn't want to see anybody else. I made sure I had my belongings before leaving and heading to the elevator. As I entered the elevator, two white women got in before the doors closed. I rolled my eyes listening to their loud ass conversation. They then looked over at me before whispering to each while taking glances.

As I approached my floor, one of them spoke to me. "Hey. what's your name?" On cue, the door opened, and I walked off with no response. "Okay, well bye then."

Fucking Becky.

Once I walked up to the room, I inserted my key and expected no one to be up. However, everyone was up and sitting in the living room to our suite. They looked at me as I went to walk in. "What y'all doin in hea'?" I asked while going to the refrigerator to get some water.

"We usually come in to meet entirely to discuss the schedule for the day. So, we decided to come in here." Jen explained as I nodded slowly. I went to go stand by Geoff as he nodded his head at me.

"My bad I wasn't here for that. Did I miss sumn?" Before Jen could respond to my question, Gio inserted himself in to answer for her. "Maybe if you were here on time, you would know."

Oh, so he like that? Noted.

I chuckled to myself as he gave me a confused look. "What's so funny?" I looked at him. "Shit, you." He then walked to me getting to my face. "Fuck are you talking about?"

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