Chapter 28

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Y/n's POV
December 9, 2016
Paynes Bay, Barbados

"Wassup, big head." I smacked my teeth before looking at Mel who was laughing like she's the funniest thing in the world.

"Man shut up." I then hugged her tightly. "It's messed up cuz I was gon say I missed ya." She smiled widely from my comment. "But fuck that." Her smile dropped before she pushed me off of her.

"Get di hell offi me." Her Carribean accent on full display as she made her statement. Robyn then locked her arm onto mine before escorting me over to take my bags to her room.

"Before y'all start fighting, I'm just going to have you put your bags in my room." I hummed softly before she escorted me inside and closed the door. "How've you been though?" I sat on her bed before laying on my back.

"I been good, just gettin some business together." I then felt her sit on top of me before caressing my shirt-clad torso.

"Yeah. Tell me what happened." I rubbed her thighs carefully before traveling to her lower back. "You remember that property I was tellin ya 'bout?" She nodded before I continued. "I got it for cheaper." She gasped before leaning down to shower me with kisses. "Aye, calm down!" I laughed as she did the opposite before she stopped and hugged me. "But the real work start once the transaction go through. Then, I gotta have ownership transferred over to me and then I gotta check the place for updates and clean it up. Once I get that done, gotta start finding tenants so it's gon be a minute before I start seein returns."

"Yeah, but it's nothing you can't handle." I smirked up at her as she turned away and blushed. "Why do you always do that?" She questioned jokingly.

"Do what?" She rolled her eyes knowing the game I played innocently. I took it upon myself to let my hands wander her body which caused her to lean down to kiss me passionately. I rolled us over, allowing for myself to gain dominance. "I missed ya, love." I whispered against her lips before I snaked my tongue inside her mouth.

"How much?" She countered. She moaned softly as I travelled down to her neck before her chest.

"Lemme show ya." She hummed before I kissed down her body. I reached her shorts while keeping my eyes on her waiting for her approval. She nodded before she raised her hips allowing me to slip them off her along with her panties. I licked my lips as I looked her center. "She so pretty."

I licked my lips before diving in head first. I kissed her other lips teasingly as she blew out a relieving sigh. "Fuck yes." Her voice shuttered as I let my tongue travel between her lips as I felt her hands comb through my hair. "You're so fucking good." I looked up as her eyes pierced in my soul while biting her lip. My hand travelled up before wrapping my hand around her neck earning a moan.

I knew she was approaching her climax as she tightened her legs around my head but I was determined to not miss a spot. I held onto her ankle keeping her legs spread as she began to breath heavily. "Fuck, I'm about to cum. Oh God!"

"Yeah gimme that shit." She screamed in pleasure before I took every drop of her nectar. I quickly travelled up before I plunged my tongue into her mouth as she moaned while tasting herself onto my lips.

"Fuck, you do that so good." She said while trying to collect her breath. I stood up straight and went to my shorts.

"I can do sumn else better." She bit her lips while waiting for me to free myself but before I was able to do so, a voice called for her.

"Robyn! Robyn!" Her eyes widened before she pushed her shorts up and pushed me out the way.

"In here mommy!" I furrowed my eyebrows before realizing who the owner of the voice was. I then got myself together before the door opened revealing an older woman who favored the younger slightly.

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