Chapter 43

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Robyn's POV
Johnson Memorial Hospital
St. Thomas, Barbados

"HELP!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as we rushed Y/n into the hospital lobby. I looked up as hospital attendants rushed with a stretcher before Ryan and Gio put her on it. I held onto her hand as I tried to keep her awake as long as I possibly could.

"Ms. Fenty, you can't come back here!" I simply ignored the nurse as she tried to pry me from Y/n. I was a broken mess as Mel had to hold me back.

"No, please! I need to be with her!" She looked on sympathetically as the hold on me tightened. My hand covered my mouth as they rushed her through the white doors. My silent cries echoed throughout the room as Mel and Ryan helped me sit down.

"Come on now, Rob. Just breath wit me for a minute aight?" Ryan tried his best to calm me down but my breathing only increased from there. I honestly felt like I was going to pass out. He held my hand while Mel rubbed my back soothingly. I began to hyperventilate quickly and before long, Ryan told Gio to get a bag for me.

He ran over and got a couple before handing one to Ryan and putting it in my shaking hands. He held my hands in place before instructing me to take deep breath. He matched my breathing in order to help me get it on track as I breathed inside the bag. "That's it. Just like that, Sis." Minutes passed as we did these breathing exercises and before long, it was back to normal level. "Aight look at me." I looked at Ryan as he held a serious yet scared expression. "She gon be aight, okay? She gon get through this cuz she a fighta." I didn't know what to think or believe at this moment however I was going to trust his word.

She's going to make it." He nodded quickly as I tried to reassure myself. "She's going to make it."

"Hell yeah. We just gotta be patient okay?" I nodded before he reached for his phone. He went to make a call while Mel consoled me and Gio stood in place to watch the surroundings. Some time passed before I could hear him and his conversation.

"Granny, imma need ya to take a breath but imma need ya on the first flight to Barbados..... Sumn happened to Y/n and we need ya hea'.... Imma call and see if I can get you a flight out hea' but just know imma keep ya updated.... I luh ya too." He then hung up before walking back over.

"I had to make a call to my granny so she and Trey can come down hea'. You need me to make a call fa ya?" He asked as I shook my head not knowing what to do in this moment. Mel spoke for me and gave him the number to call my mother and brothers. He nodded before getting to it.

Almost an hour passed before my mother and brothers walked in worried then horrified at my appearance. "Robyn, wah gwan, darling!?" She quickly held my face as I broke down once more in her arms. She shushed me to calm me down as I cried in the crook of her neck.

"Y/n got shot, Mama." She gasped not wanting to believe that it actually occurred.

"Fuck." Rorrey said as he paced the room. "Is she in the back?" Ryan nodded as he leaned on the wall. My mom then looked over at him to figure out who he is.

"Who are you, Sir?" He then got up before reaching his hand out.

"I'm Y/n's brother, Ryan. Hate we gotta meet under these circumstances." She nodded understandably. Then, without forgetting I turned my attention to Mel before saying,

"Can you call Jen and have her get the jet for her grandmother and brother?"

"Of course." She kissed the side of my forehead before going to make that call. Ryan then sat on the seat next to me before sighing heavily. He then looked at me before his eyes went wide. "Did you get hit or anything?" I shook my head before realizing my clothes were covered in Y/n's blood. That alone caused me to go in shock from the traumatic experience we witnessed not too long ago.

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