Chapter 29

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Robyn's POV
Paynes Bay, Barbados
December 12, 2016

I slept soundly as my body relaxed on the bed. However, I stirred in my sleep as I felt soft somethings travel all over my face. "Rob." I brushed off whomever was calling my name as I turned over in my sleep.

I then moaned as I then felt light kisses cover my face. "Robyn. Wake up, mama." My eyes fluttered as Y/n stood over me fully clothed. She smiled as I sat up and stretched. "Good morning, baby." I got out the bed and went to kiss her. It lasted long before she spoke up. "Damn, I fuck wit you forreal."

"Why you say that?" I then went to the bathroom to locate my toothbrush and toothpaste.

"Cuz yo breath smells like shit." I frowned towards her as she couldn't stop laughing at my expression. "You're such a fucking asshole."

"Yeah. Ya like it." I then closed the door in order to do my hygiene routine.

Minutes passed before I was fully refreshed and I went back out to see Y/n on her phone.

"You serious right?" I furrowed my eyebrows as she looked concerned. She breathed heavily before speaking. "Aight, gimme a couple days and I'll be back out there... bye man." She hung her phone up before throwing it on the bed.

"What's wrong?" She looked at me with worry.

"Got a call from one of my guys and he let me know a pipe busted at the property. He's already gotten it handled with turnin the water off but some people gon get placed somewhere until we get it taken care of." I rubbed her face as she was deep in thought.

"How long do you think it will take?" She shrugged unknowingly. "I can help you with the expenses, especially if some of the residents need to stay in a hotel temporarily." She shook her head before caressing my arms

"Nah, I got it, trust me. Ion want you puttin up wit my shit while you got Fenty to work on." I sighed really disliking her quickness to shutdown my offer. "And before you get mad, I'm not shuttin down ya offer but I want to at least do this on my own. But.." my eyes looked at her as she held my chin to keep my attention on her. "If all goes downhill and I need you forreal, imma call you first hand and repay you when the money come in."

I bit my lip as she held me tightly by my waist. "And how are you going to repay me?" Her eyes grew dark as my phrase triggered an arousal in her.

"Besides money, I can definitely..." I gasped as she brought me in as I felt her length that was covered my her shorts. "Fill ya up and make it worth ya while." I hummed and before we could interact more affectionately, a knock on my door was heard before it opened revealing my brother Rorrey.

"Well look who's finally up. My big head sister." I flipped him off as Y/n laughed. "Mommy said come down since the food's done." He then reverted his attention to Y/n before continuing. "You down for a game of ball after breakfast?"

I looked over as Y/n nodded. "Gotcha. Just gimme a minute and we gon be down there." He nodded before closing the door. I looked back at her as she looked down at me with soft eyes.

Cute ass.

"You so pretty." I blushed before she kissed my lips a final time. "Makin me simp fa ya and shit. Ion know how to feel." We laughed as we headed out the room and downstairs.

Of course, My brother, Mel, and my mom were already acquainted as they started eating. "Yuh finally fetch mi daughter I see." I rolled my eyes playfully before saying good morning. "Yuh plates in the oven."

We walked over to wash our hands before we collected our breakfast plates and made our way to the table. "Thank you." Y/n then pushed my seat back in before sitting down next to me.

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