Chapter 44

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Robyn's POV
Johnson Memorial Hospital
St. Thomas, Barbados

"Robyn, baby." My tired eyes switched over to my mother who looked empathetically towards me. "Yuh need sleep. Yuh been up since I been hea'." I shook my head not wanting to.

"Mommy, I can't do it."

"I understand but yuh need to." I sighed out of frustration while readjusting my body in the lobby chair.

It has been some time since we brought Y/n to the hospital for her wounds. I have sat here due to the discomfort of not knowing Y/n's condition. Every hour, I asked nurses and doctors who passed by on her status. However, no one could provide me an update. It honestly hurt me to the core not knowing of if she's okay or not.

As we continued to sit or pace the room, the entrance doors opened unveiling Ms. Linda and Trey came rushing in. They looked around before spotting before coming over. I looked closely at Ms. Linda as she looked confused and defeated. "Whea' she at?" Wasting no time, she asked about Y/n's whereabouts of course.

"I don't know, Ms. Linda." She held my hands securely trying to calm me down. "I'm sorry, I didn't know this would happen." She shushed me before hugging me tightly. I silently cried in her neck as she rocked me back and forth.

"I know baby. God gon make sure she alright, okay?" I forced an okay out as I just laid comfortably in her embrace. Before long, I heard her speak to my mom and introduce herself. "Are you Ms. Monica?"

"Yes ma'am, you must be Y/n's grandmother?" She nodded before giving her a hug. Trey did the same before giving me a hug as well. He then went over to sit next to Ryan who was struggling to stay awake.

Some more hours passed before a doctor came looking for us. "Family of Y/n Branston!" We quickly got up to hear the status.

"Yes?" I answered before she spoke.

"Good news, we were able to extract the bullets from the patient's body." I sighed happily as she continued. "However, a lot of blood was lost during the surgery resulting in a reduced amount of blood circulation to the brain." I then looked at her confused trying to understand the meaning of that statement.

"So what does this mean, Dr...."

"Dr. Emerson. And she's in a coma at this time." A headache emerged as I held my head in my hands. "There is no definite timeframe of when she will wake up but her vitals are still good." We nodded before she continued. "Would you like to see her?" I nodded but stopped to make sure Ms. Linda, Trey, and Ryan could see her first. "We'll come in after y'all."

Before I sat back down, Trey grabbed me back up. "Y'all go. I ain't ready yet." I looked at him sympathetically as he appeared to be holding back emotionally but I didn't pester him too much.

Hand-in-hand, Ms. Linda and I rushed to the elevator after we got information on the room number. Ryan opened up and escorted us into the elevator before pressing the correct floor number. It took a minute before the doors opened and we ran off before looking for the room number.

I took a breath before we entered and the sight I saw was saddening. I went up to her and brushed some of her hair out of her face before caressing her cheek. Though she was covered in tubes and other devices, she was still gorgeous.

"Hey, my baby." I looked over as Ms. Linda talked to Y/n as if she was awake. "I had to get hea' as soon as I could to see ya. Imma need ya to get ya ass up because I can't deal wit Ryan and Trey asses gettin on my damn nerves." I laughed while Ryan looked offended.

"Damn, MawMaw." She shushed him as she continued.

"Boy, I'm havin a talk wit ya sista." He smacked his teeth before continuing. "But I need ya to come on home. I need at least one great grandbaby from one a' y'all and Ryan ain't gon do it and Trey, he gon have too many wit somebody fast ass daughter."

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