Chapter 31

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Keston's POV
Los Angeles, CA
December 13, 2016

"Thanks, Sir!" I said coolly before he closed the door to the backseat. I then looked over at my phone after reading the text from Des as she let me know she wanted to plan a date night at this secret location.

Des: make sure to tell the driver where to go.

Me: already told him. Will be there in 30 minutes.

I then put my phone in my pocket before getting comfortable in the vehicle.

As we turned on each street, I noticed we got more and more away from the center of the city.

Wonder where we're going?

I thought as we continued on. The time passed before we arrived to a gated property. The code was put in before it opened revealing a beautiful home. I was too busy admiring before someone opened the door.

"Oh.. thanks, man." The guy then closed the door before escorting me to the door. As it opened, I walked into the beautiful foyer which was lit by candles along the pathway. "Yoooo, this shit is nice."

I continued to gawk at the sight and before I could look some more, Destiny came out looking beautiful as ever. She then walked up to me kissing me slowly. "Hey, baby." She nodded however I saw she looked worried and disturbed.

"You good, babe?" Before she could answer, another voice that was deeper came up.

"Glad you could join, my boy." I quickly looked over to see a person, tall and slightly muscular with tattooed hands wearing a black sweater and slacks. I then looked at Destiny who looked elsewhere.

"Des, who the fuck is this?" Her opened mouth had trouble finding an audible phrase to say. Before I could anything else could be said, my eyesight went dark and I felt claustrophobic.

"Nigga stop fuckin movin! You'll run outta breath doin all that extra shit." The person who covered my head then dragged me somewhere throughout the house.

Then, I felt myself being dragged down steps before getting handcuffed to a chair. "AYE WHAT THE FUCK!" I then started to breath harder before the bag was lifted and I looked around at a semi-dark bunker. I then looked over at Destiny as she was also being handcuffed to a chair some feet away from me as well as Randy.

Oh fuck.

The person then pulled a chair up to me. "What the fuck is going on, man?" She smacked her teeth before responding.

"Guess ya don't have no Southern manners or nun, huh? Not a 'hello' or 'how are you'? Tsk, tsk." I furrowed my eyebrows at the sudden sarcasm of the person. "I'll introduce myself. I'm the muhfucka that you crossed too many times."

"Pardon me?" I asked as she smirked devilishly.

"pArDoN mE? Don't start that bullshit." She then took a breath before continuing. "Aight lemme get straight to the point. As you can see hea', I've gotten myself acquainted with these two dumbasses ova hea'" I looked over as Destiny and Randy looked unamused. "And they gotten me somewhat up to date with the plan y'all are in. But, outta this puzzle there's some pieces missin."

"Okay. Why am I here?" Before I could receive a response, my head snapped back as I was immediately pistol whipped. "FUCUUUCCCKKK!" She then got up before whipping my head to look at her.

"Please don't get me outta character." I started breathing heavily out of frustration as Destiny began to cry. "Now, do you recall what occurred on May 27?"

Shit. I thought as she more than likely is privy to our plan. "Nah, I don't."


"Please stop!" Destiny screamed as the mystery woman continued to walk around.

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