Chapter 35

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Robyn's POV
Paris, France

I moaned loudly as I felt Y/n's length fill me up. My head fell onto her shoulder as she was thrusting into me as we stood along the hotel window. "Shit, don't stop baby."

She chuckled before she lightly kissed my cheek and brought her lips closer to my ear. "Don't intend to." I bit my lips as I felt her increase her speed making the activity more pleasurable then it started. I clawed at the glass while she grabbed my chin making me face her.

"You love when I fill ya up, huh?" I nodded unable to find the words as the pleasure took over my body.

She stuck her tongue out for me, leading for me to suck on it before we were intertwined in a passionate kiss. She slowed her thrust down as our kiss intensified before she chose to lead us to another part of the room.

"Walk to the bed." I furrowed my eyebrows as she didn't stop her motion.

"I can't with you inside me." She groaned as she felt me begin to tighten around her. She then grabbed both arms before anchoring them with her left behind my back. I moaned as I felt her breath touch the back of my neck, one of my soft spots.

"You can and you will. Now move befo' I stop fuckin ya." I shuddered as her accent strengthened and I found that similar feeling as I moved to the bed while she stayed inside of me. Thankfully, we made it and she bent me over while having a tight hold on my upper body.

"Oh shiii! I love how you fucking me, baby." She chuckled before I felt her lean down and kiss along my back. My breath hitched as I felt her whisper in my ear.

"I love ya pussy too. She's so good to me when I'm in it, baby."

Before long, my face stuck to the mattress as she was now beating it up.. literally. "Ah yeesssss!! Don't fucking stop, Y/n!" I felt her hand smack my ass knowing a red mark was left.

"That ain't my name, Rob." I continued to moan as a tear left my eye. I felt so much pain and pleasure that I was unable to properly think at the moment. I then felt her hand wrap around my neck before she spoke once more. "What's my name?"

"It's... It's..." I screamed into the pillow as she reached the highest speed I could possibly think of. "What's. My. Fuckin. Name?" She gritted as my eyes fell to the top of my head before I answered.

"You making me cum, Daddy!" She groaned as my juices dropped onto her length but that didn't stop her. My legs began to quiver as she continued to fuck me long after my 4th orgasm in this session. I then felt her loosen her grip on my arms as they sluggishly fell onto either side of body before she moaned and pulled out, releasing on my lower back.

I looked up from the corner of my eye as she tried her best to catch her breath. I damn near drooled as her muscles flexed and she appeared as somewhat of a Greek God in stature.

She then bent down to kiss my shoulder sweetly. "Hol on." I nodded tirelessly as she vanished into the bathroom before coming back seconds later. I moaned as I felt a warm towel brush against the skin of my lower back and her juices being wiped off.

"I fucking hate you sometimes." I rolled onto my back with the remaining amount of energy I still had left. I looked up at her as she slightly scratched her arm while looking down at me with a smirk.

"Ain't hear that shit seconds ago." I rolled my eyes while flipping her off. "I could go another round if you up for it." I held my hand up in her face when she attempted to pull me to the end of the bed.

"Absolutely not. I'm not about to go to this hospital for you breaking my cervix, bitch." She laughed before she slowly climbed on top of me. Crazily, her heavy weight didn't bother me as it felt like a thick, comfortable blanket. I kissed her forehead while combing through her curly, shoulder length hair. "I have a question?"

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