Chapter 32

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Y/n's POV
Memphis, TN
December 20, 2016

"Y/n, please. This could actually be serious this time." I rolled my eyes as Trey and I walked into the restaurant, Napa Cafe, where Shanda told us to meet at.

"She did this shit last time so I wouldn't have too much faith in her. Hey, our party is already here." I responded before reverting my attention to the hostess who let us right through.

Today was the day our mother wanted to meet with all of us to discuss the dynamics of our relationship. Though I pushed more to not coming, Robyn and my grandmother coerced me to meet with and talk to her in order to move towards closure. Though I am still guarding my feelings, I am opened to at least talk.

As we opened the door to the private room, Ryan and Shanda were already sat down talking. "Wassup, y'all." Ryan got up to hug Trey. He then came to dap me up before getting close to my ear. "Just let her talk and be calm." I sighed before nodding. I then sat down before nodding my head at Shanda who looked nervous yet hopeful.

"Shanda." She smiled slightly before nodding back.

"You look good, Y/n. How've you been?" She asked genuinely as I shrugged.

"I've been good. What about you?"

"I can't complain. Just wanted to see y'all and talk." Silence then took over the room before she spoke again. "I, uh... I didn't really know how to approach y'all without feeling like I was going to mess up again. However, I know that I needed to make amends and express how I felt on top of hearing how y'all feel." I sighed heavily as she began to pour her heart at this time.

"I just wanted to say how sorry I am. I didn't realize how my absence impacted y'all growing up and I should've been there when your father passed away." I looked elsewhere as Trey and Ryan felt the same way while watching Shanda shed tears. "I just... I didn't know how to be there for y'all because of my own shit. Hell, I couldn't be there for myself... but I wanted to lay out my emotions on the table so we could potentially start where it was left off."

By now, she looked over at us all hoping to receive some form of acceptance. Though Ryan and I were silent, Trey spoke up for himself. "Did you hurt us, ma? Yes." She looked down and dried her eyes as he continued. "I mean, it hurt when you're the only kid who didn't have a mother nor father there for ya on certain schooldays, or there to tuck ya in at night. Yes, we had MawMaw and Papa and I don't know where we would be without them but they shouldn't have to pick up where ya left off. It wasn't fair they had to stop their lives of growing old and re-parent little kids, but they did."

I nodded as he kept going on. "But, I also know that you ain't perfect and sometimes, people need a second chance. So I'll give ya that." She smiled widely before nodding. She then looked over at Ryan waiting for his response. He rolled eyes before sighing.

"You fucked up ma, forreal you did. Trey ain't been through what I or Y/n went through dealin wit ya."

"I know and I'm sorry baby, I really am. I can't change the past, but I know that I can control my actions now and the future. You just gotta give me a chance." He crossed his arms before looking to the side. He scratched the back of his neck before responding.

"I swear if you fuck up again, I'm done forreal." She simply grabbed his hand before giving it an affectionate squeeze.

"Y/n?" I looked over the attention was then put on me. "What are ya thinkin about?" I put my hand up before blowing out a breath.

"Why you so adamant about havin a relationship wit us now?" She smiled tightly before responding.

"I... I have stage four lung cancer." Before she could continue, the waiter walked in with water and bread. He then asked if we were ready to order but I brushed him off letting him know we needed some time and to please shut the door. He did as instructed before I made a statement.

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