Chapter 41

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Robyn's POV
Paynes Bay, Barbados

The night sky was enveloped by the moonlight. The waves silently crashed onto the surface of the beach as it continued the regular motion. I looked over at my lover's sleeping body after we finished another round just hours ago. I went over to brush some of her hair, now unbraided and combed out, out of her face. I smiled noticing her stir from my touch.

I continued to admire her features as she lightly snored. Bronze tanned skin covered her anatomy along with several tattoos. A jawline that could cut any surface and defined cheekbones that were worthy to be on a magazine cover. I bit my lip before kissing along her jawline and other delicate spots I knew would get her up. She hummed lightly while holding my waist tighter.

"What Rob?" Her voice rasped making me want her even more. My lips travelled to her ear before whispering,

"I want to play a game." She groaned while trying to go back to sleep. However, my stubbornness wouldn't allow that. My hand slowly travel from her abs to her member. Her length and my smirk grew as I slowly travelled beneath the covers to start this game.

Her ass is going to wake up alright.

I moaned from seeing her member in its full glory and slowly stroked her to get her started. Her moans along with the sight of her anatomy made me wet on command. "Fuck, Rob." I felt her lift the cover from off of me to see my tongue attach magnetically to the tip. Her eyes rested on the sight before putting her hands on the back of my head, however, I pushed them away.

"The game is called 'You Can't Touch Me'. You follow my lead tonight." She nodded too busy being in a trance from me. My eyes rolled back from pleasure as I continued to please her orally. Her head laid back down onto the pillow as my lips surrounded the tip and went up and down teasing slightly.

"Stop fuckin teasin, Robyn." I rolled my eyes while continuing my initial motion. I looked up at her trying her best to control her breathing and that was my cue to stop the tease. "Shiiit." Her length fit perfectly down my throat making me moan. Her body shuttered from the immediate vibration.

"You like it when ya dick's down my throat, huh?" She nodded but sucked in a breath as I lightly squeezed the base. "Tell me with your words, baby."

"Yes, Robyn." I hummed before putting her back in my mouth and deciding to take her soul. Her hands travelled under the pillow her head laid on trying to find something to hold onto. "My God." The sound of gagging filled the room as her tip touched the back of my throat. Though she was extremely big, mama ain't raise no bitch... so I paused letting her length rest in my throat. My eyes closed as tears came down from the uncomfortably comfortable feeling. "I'm finna nut, bae."

Out of strong need, my head bobbed while I continued to gag loudly on her member. My saliva covered the surface of her dick and before long, she came down my throat and it took it like it was my final meal. I crawled up her body before sticking my tongue in her mouth making her taste herself.

"Why you ain't gon let me touch you?" I hummed while kissing and sucking her neck.

"Wanna see how long you can last." She bit her lip while eyeing me down. Though I thought she would cave in, she instead met me halfway.

"Bet I can make you cum wit no hands?" I brought my head up and licked my lips while my eyes filled with lust. I got up before crawling up to her face. I moaned shakily as her breath hit my wet lips.

My head eventually fell back as her lips kissed my pussy teasing me in a similar manner. "Oh fuck. Don't stop please." I started to ride her face as her tongue then connected between my folds.

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