Chapter 22

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Y/n's POV
New York City
September 23, 2016

"Aye, Y/n." I looked up to see one of my new guys, Antonio, coming over to talk to me.

"Wassup, Ant. You good?" He nodded after we dapped up. Antonio was some young guy from New Orleans who had a similar upbringing to me and needed a fresh start. He was also a younger brother to Ryan's best friend who was killed some years ago and we were about a year apart in age. I talked to Geoff about bringing him on which he agreed upon due to the amount of trust he had in me.

"I'm straight. Just comin to show you this stuff I got fa' ya'." I nodded before I closed my laptop and went to close the door to the side room I was in. He then pulled out his phone after we sat down in the chairs.

"What ya got, bruh?" I asked waiting.

"Aight, so I been keepin watch of that person who we been talkin bout. I started that fake page and it was easy cuz I ain't got no social media so he can't trace me." I nodded and sighed in relief. "So, I followed them and I watched one story they did whea' they was talkin bout they gon do sumn real big." I furrowed my eyebrows trying to understand what he meant.

"You got what they tryna do specifically?" He nodded before showing me some messages.

"I ended up sending them a message talkin bout how much I love Rihanna and sayin some shit I know would get they attention. At first, they wasn't really tryna fuck wit me but I kept it goin and wanted to meet them. So, imma go and possibly get them to let they guard down."

I nodded while thinking it over. It could be a good plan if executed correctly. Since Antonio was not a likely threat regarding affiliation to Robyn, it could lead the person to trust him eventually. The question is how would we lead them into a trap and catch them.

"My thang is, ion know how we gon lead 'em to us." He said making a lightbulb on up in my head.

"Don't worry bout that part, I got that situated. You just worry bout gettin in they're good graces." He nodded in understanding before collecting his things. "One mo' thing." He hummed before listening to my next statement.


"Don't tell nobody else bout this plan, aight?" He nodded. "One thing to know, you can't tell everybody cuz you don't know what or who they know that can fuck all this shit up, understand?" I smiled before nodding you.

"I got ya. Imma keep ya posted." I nodded before he walked out. As I continued to work, I heard a knock on the door before it opened unveiling Jen. "Hey, we're almost done with practice but you can go ahead and pack up so we can be ready, okay?" I nodded to her before she smiled and closed the door.

I collected all of my things before closing and locking the door. As I walked towards the front, I looked over at a group of dancers who were silently discussing something. However, I felt it had something to do with me when they would glance over from time to time. I furrowed my eyebrows before speaking.

"Is thea' a problem?" I asked as they rolled their eyes. Then, one bold ass female spoke up to speak her mind.

"No, except you hurt my friend's feelings." Of course, she added the neck roll which provided more emphasis to the statement. I looked at her with a natural frown before speaking again.

"Fuck is yo friend?" I asked while walking up. She sucked her teeth.

"Nigga, you know who my friend is." I shrugged in confusion.

"Ion even know yo ass is so speak up and say who the fuck yo friend is." She rolled her eyes hard.

"Destiny. You literally begged to fuck with her and after she gave up some, you bounced. A typical fuck nigga move." I sat my bag down before shaking my head.

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