Chapter 37

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Y/n's POV
En Route to Los Angeles

"nim ، anna ola meten al-taira alaan." ("Yes, I'm on the plane now).

"an al-awan. luqud kent fe huthe lastraha penma can al-nas emelon haka." ("It's about time. You've been on this break while people were really working." I smacked my lips as Ibrahim talked his shit. I pushed Ryan and flipped him off as I heard him laugh.

"luqud daout elly baad al-qaraf al-haqqiqi oa lamjared an tecon comedia skheival?" ("You called for some real shit or just to be a fucking comedian?" Ibrahim laughed himself as we set on the jet that he had chartered for us.

"mhla ، esterkha al-thaddi al-khas beck. arid fakt al-taked minn ank najahat fe al-rahla." ("Hey relax your tits. I just want to make sure you made it on the flight.")

"can pemkank al-bada bezelk wajal makalma tenthi fe waqt akrab." (You could've started with that and made the call end sooner.") He groaned deeply making me know he rolled his eyes heavily on his end.

"simkenny an ajal telk al-taira tihbit bemkalma vahida." (I can have that plane go down with one call.") I looked at the phone with a blank expression as I knew he was bluffing.

"antem fakt tahboun tefger al-qaraf al-dhay arrah." (Y'all just love blowing up shit I see." He hung up immediately making me laugh. He then sent a text telling me to shut the fuck up and let him know when we get close to landing.

"This how y'all always act?" Ryan asked with a raised eyebrows. I poked my lip out while nodding. "Y'all fuckin retarded." I smacked my teeth while putting my phone back on the side of my bag.

"You betta be glad I agreed to bring ya wit me." He flipped me off while taking a glance at the flight attendance's ass.

"You betta respect ya elders and be grateful." I squinted before looking at the jet navigation system showing we were getting closer to the private airport. "How much time we got?"

"Got about 15 before we land. Already texted Ibrahim and he let me know the truck was waiting at the runway." He nodded before reaching for the attendant who looked with a surprised expression.

"Anybody tell you ya got gorgeous eyes." She blushed immediately and laughed lightly as he kissed the back of her hand. "My name's Mr. Branston, but my friends call me Ryan. You wanna be my new friend?" I rolled my eyes aggressively as this head ass nigga wanted to be extra and flirt with the help.

"You're a fucking slut." He brushed me off not taking his attention off the woman.

Minutes passed before we landed. We quickly got our stuff while Ryan got her number as we exited the plane. We put our belongings in the trunk before we piled into the vehicle. "How ya doin, Tarek?" I adjusted his rearview mirror in order to look at us in the backseat.

"I've been alright. Just doing my job." I nodded while looking out the window. "Is this your brother?" He asked as his accent was extremely visible.

"Yeah, my big head ass bruh. Say hi Ryan." He flipped me off while nodding towards Tarek.

"Nice to meet ya."

We rode along the streets of LA as we continued to talk and get Ryan up to date with the plan. It took about 40 minutes due to traffic before reaching the property. The gate opened as we rode through it and parked in front of the house. We stepped out of the car and began to unload the trunk, however the vibe felt different as I told Ryan to stand still.

We then walked closer to the front door as I began to hear noise and ruckus coming from the interior. I sighed before looking at Ryan who looked on amused.

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