Chapter 18

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Robyn's POV
June 10, 2016
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Robyn's POVJune 10, 2016Amsterdam, Netherlands

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"Oh yes. Amsterdam, home of the good weed and sex stores." I looked at Mel with a confused mug as we stepped off the jet.

"You a whole mess girl." I said as she looked at me.

"Shit, ain't that yo friend?" I then switched my attention over to Y/n as she helped carry our bags. I sucked my teeth as Mel smirked due to Y/n agreeing with her.

"Uh, whose side are you on?" I asked her as she shrugged.

"Ain't on nobody side. I'm just sayin." She said matter of fact as she began putting our luggage in one of the three trucks we had. Once she closed the trunk up, she playfully bumped into me before eyeing me down.

"Well you saying a lot of nothing." She smirked at me.

"You wanna get fucked up don't ya?" She challenged before she helped the new guys we had on the trip.

Though it took a full day for interviews, we handpicked four more guards to for extra hands. We've also talked to Geoff, who woke up last week and he's certain that Y/n made a good decision.

Y/n has gone nothing but been a good lead, though she can be tough on them. Her right hand is James of course, who's a more balanced figure for the newer guys. Most of the time, they come to him whenever they have questions and when they're too scared to say to Y/n.

Probably going to talk to her about that.

As we piled up in the truck, I could hear Y/n lecturing the new guys on protocol. I cracked my window while listening. "Bitch, we eavesdropping?" I shushed Mel before I listened intently.

"Aight, this y'all first times as security for Ms. Fenty. We brought y'all on for a reason and that's cuz y'all have the potential to do right by her and this team. However, do not," she then sighed before continuing. "And I mean do not fucking embarass me cuz I will send yo ass back the fuck home, understand?"

"Yes!" "No problem." "Got it."

"Good. When we get to this hotel, don't do no stupid shit or imma fuck you up in the front lobby. If I see only one guard in a post instead of two, I'm shootin both of y'all when I find the other. Whenever Ms. Fenty, Ms. Forde, and/or Ms. Rosales go anywhere, you need to be behind and beside 'em, understood?" They also responded. "Lastly, I need y'all to be eyes and ears for each other. When one is lacking, the other takes over so we can keep some organization and ensure that our lady is good, aight?" They all nodded before she told them to get in the other trucks.

She then climbed into the backseat with me after I pulled the window back up. She then put her seatbelt on and got comfortable as we then pulled off. "You don't need to be so mean to them."

She then looked over at me with a blank expression. "Until they show me they can do they job, imma be on they ass, Robyn." I sighed before chuckling.

"You wanna be big dog so bad." She then pulled out her earphones before putting her music on.

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