Chapter 25

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Y/n's POV
November 22, 2016
New York City

"Ant, you good over thea'?" I asked in the speaker while James and I sat in a black truck. He answered me letting me know he was good.

It's been weeks since Trey provided us with the tracking devices and so far we've made slow progress. Antonio has been talking with the person, who we found out was named Randy. He lives in New York alone and works as a barista. However, he keeps a low enough profile and doesn't appear to be a threat to society. As a result, it easier for him to maintain that secret.

Outside of his quiet life, we've come to fully know him for his obsession with Robyn. He ensures that he's present at any event she's at no matter the location or cost. From concerts and club appearances to red carpets and award shows, he's always there.

"Is he there yet?" James asked as I shushed him.

"He's getting there." I said as I pointed to his location on my laptop as I figured out how to do thanks to downloading a software Trey created.

We sat few a minutes as Antonio walked down multiple blocks while we followed him but kept a good distance to not get caught. Eventually, we heard a sound similar to door knocking before another voice came up.

"Hi, I see you got here no problem." The voice, which seemed to be from a male, stated before we heard Antonio step into the man's place.

"Nah. Kinda figured out the city once I moved here so it wasn't a hassle." The voice hummed before they continued. "You thought about my offer from weeks ago?" The voice hummed before he responded.

"Of course. You have connections to get me to the last show and after party?" He asked as Antonio hummed.

"You already know. I just need you to confirm you're going so I can get everything situated."

"That's not a problem." We shook in excitement before he continued. "Now I have a question for you? And before you answer, would you like a drink?"

Shit. "He bet not agree neither." James scolded however I reassured him that he knew what he was doing.

"Yeah. I'll take a drink. What you got?" He asked as we listened continuously.

"You like dark?" Antonio hummed signifying he would accept the drink. While we heard rummaging and the sound of liquor pouring, Antonio texted us to use the prepaid phone we had to call the number he got for the guy he's talking to now.

James used the phone to call the guy, we heard from the speaker excuse himself while Antonio waited for some time. It took a few minutes before the phone answered.

"Hello, who is this?"

"Danny, Danny! I've been calling you all day today and you didn't answer!" I rolled my eyes as James chose an older, white woman voice to imitate.

"Danny? Ma'am I think you have the wrong number."

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry young man." He hummed on the other end. "Does your number end in a 8 or 6?"

"It ends in a 6 ma'am."

"Oh wow, I do this everytime! Do you know where I can reach Danny?"

"No ma'am. Maybe you should probably try the other option you have." He nodded before responding.

"Oh yes! Thank you so much Mister..."

"Randy. It's Randy." He said with a slight chuckle.

"Oh yes. Thank you, Randall. You've helped an old woman like me out tonight. If you do see Danny, please call me at this number, okay?"

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