Part 2, Chapter 6

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Y/n's POV
Whitehaven, Memphis, TN
August 23rd, 2017


"I'm in the kitchen, baby!" I made sure to lock her door before walking in to meet her. I smiled before I hugged her and kissed her cheek. "Now what possessed you to come see bout me?" I rolled my eyes at her dramatics.

"Dang, I can't see ya just because?" I asked while sitting down at her table.

"Oh you can but you don't be actin like ion exist." I frowned lightly.

"What you even mean. I saw you two days ago." She hummed while grabbing some coffee before sitting down at the table.

"But you coulda saw me yesterday. That don't make it right."

"Anyways, I just came to see bout ya. Plus we gettin stuff in order for the Branston Trucking." She clapped happily from the good news.

"So Ricky got on board?" I nodded while sitting more comfortably in her chair. "Good, good. You think you gon have time to run this and the real estate company?" I shrugged while I scratched my head.

"Ion know but I'll figure it out." She nodded while sipping her coffee. "But I also came hea to get some advice." She sat her cup down.


"About you and grandaddy's marriage." She nodded happily again. "Like how you know he was the one, how y'all get through the ups and downs, everything."

"Well, I met yo granddaddy when we were both 17. We went to the same school but at the time, he was with this ugly heifa,"

"Really, granny?"

"Yes. If it ain't me, then the woman is a heifa." I laughed as she continued. "But like I said, we met then. We didn't really know each other but we hung out with the same friends."

"So how did y'all actually start to grow close?" I asked while taking a sip from the cup of coffee she gave me as well.

"Well, let's see. It's been so long it's hard to remember." She joked. "When I went to a party with one of my friends, there was this guy that tried to talk to me but he was getting on my damn nerves. This nigga gon get mad and try to pull at my arm and before I knew it, yo granddaddy came and beat his ass like he stole sumn. I'm over hea just stunned but I was appreciative. He even took me home but his girlfriend was mad because she wasn't gettin his attention but he brushed her off."

"So granddaddy was just beatin niggas asses and shit? Hell that's where we get it from." She chuckled before hitting my arm.

"I guess so. But we started talkin and found out we had similar interests. Enjoyed the same music, movies, and everything. Fast forward, he broke up with the girl and she wasn't takin it. So one day at school, everybody was sayin that the girl wanted to fight and when we got out of class, she was waitin with her friends in the courtyard and they tried to jump me, but lemme tell ya. Them heifas couldn't fight worth a damn and I clocked every last one of them hoes." She then used a fighting motion as she reminisced about this event.

"Lord." I said while rolling my eyes.

"When I got done, I was so mad that I stopped talkin to ya granddaddy." Surprised, I asked her,

"Really? Y'all never told me that." She nodded while crossing her arms.

"Oh I did it in a heartbeat because if it wasn't for him, I thought, I wouldn't have gotten jumped. Plus, I was over the situation."

"Wow, that's sumn else." She hummed softly. "So, how long were y'all separated and what made ya come back together?"

"Well, I was visiting home because I had moved to Chicago for work. I was back home at Candy Mama's house," she said referring to her mom, my great grandma. "I went to help her get the mail. The postman pulled up and low and behold, it was that crazy man." I hummed while holding my head in my hand. "On the outside, I was not impressed, but on the inside, I thought he looked so handsome in his lil suit and he had grown his hair out, got a lil beard, and gained some muscle. Now him, he was looking me up and down. But I mean come on, it's me." She joked.

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