Part 2, Chapter 3

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Y/n's POVMiami, FL

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Y/n's POV
Miami, FL

I groaned loudly as my sleep was interrupted by the noise of water sounding off faintly. I patted the side next me that was once occupied by my lover.

I reached over to look at the time on my phone.

5:14 a.m.

I yawned softly before getting up and stretching. I felt relieved as my muscles relaxed and bones cracked from the action.

I then got up and grabbed my hygiene products and towel before walking into the bathroom.

I smiled softly as I viewed the goddess that stood in the shower.

I watched as the water rained down on her physical being. I felt like a predator watching their prey before attacking as my want for her appeared once more. As I continued to bask in her naked glory, I failed to realize she had spoken to me after noticing my presence.

"Are you going to stand there or do something about it?" I bit my lip before tossing my towel and opening the shower door. I felt my length standing at full attention before closing the door and attaching my lips delicately to the back of her neck. In a teasing way, I let my lips travel from that delicate spot to her ear before lightly biting the lobe. "Good morning, Love."

She whispered the same thing before I grabbed her loofah and thoroughly washed her back slowly. "How ya mental doin today?" I asked her while her head laid back on her shoulder.

"I'm good. Just ready to get this video finished."

"Yeah?" She hummed as I continued. "I lowkey wanna go see ya do ya video. I ain't used to ya filmin a video cuz I was mainly around when you was on tour."

"Are you serious?" She asked as I nodded from behind. "That's actually wild. I thought you were there for at least one music video."

"Nah. Probably one of yo old hoes." She smacked her lips loudly while I laughed. She then turned around to face me before rubbing up and down my stomach.

"Yeah. Might have one of 'em at the shoot."

"You funny, Rihanna."

"Oop, not you mad at me. What, you don't wanna join the harem?" I looked at her seriously before pushing past her to get under the running water. She laughed before I felt her slender arms wrap around my waist. I felt her kiss the center of my back due to our height gap. "I was just playing, Y/n."

"Nah, I'm straight. I'm gon let one of my other wives take care of me." I laughed as she hit me with her strong ass arm. I turned around to block her hits. "Aye, calm the fuck down. You was just talkin reckless out the side of ya neck too before I did."

"Bitch I was just playing but keep on. I'll stab you and the bitch you're with if I see it." She said while stabbing her finger into my chest. However, my face held a smirk as I held her wrist in my hand. Her face soften as she began to squirm beneath me. "Stop looking at me like that."

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