Chapter 17

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Robyn's POV
June 7, 2016
New York City

"Aight, I need y'all to pay attention."

We all nodded before Y/n started on her small presentation. It's been two weeks since Y/n has been back from PTO and we've been staying away from the public eye.

I felt that I needed to get my mind right before the international leg started. Also, the last incident made us all worried of what could happen next so Y/n wanted to create more organization.

Then she started to present. "Aight, with you goin on this international tour, we need to commit to keep our team more secured." She then turned the projector on, which showed a diagram. "There doesn't need to be a time where you, Mel, Jen, or nobody needs to be alone, especially in public. But we ain't got that many people on the security team to do what needs to be done. Wit Geoff out, it leave me, James, Geoff, and then there's Nate and Jeremiah. We need to have at least two different guardsmen per person or per entrance." She explained as we all nodded. We then moved on before she showed the next slide with different people.

"Who are they?" Jen asked as Y/n continued.

"These are the people I got lined up to join the team. We gotta have younger people to be able to do the shit I know Geoff nor Gio's rusty ass can't."

"Go to hell, man." We laughed as Gio got frustrated.

"Been thea', done that. Anyway, we can have interviews for this week but it's gon take a lotta work cuz we on a tight schedule right now. But we gon do what we gon do cuz I ain't tryna have ya in another vulnerable position when I'm hea' or not."

I smiled slightly as she spoke. So fucking protective.

"So, I already got the names of the guys comin in and did background checks on 'em cuz I ain't got time to be fuckin nobody up on the first day, see what I'm sayin?" I chuckled while Mel looked at me with a smirk. I rolled my eyes before looking away after she mouthed "cuff her ass".

"Y'all got any questions?" Before anyway had the chance to ask, James raised his hand. "Wassup?"

"So you said that two guards per person right?" She nodded. "What if somebody missin or sumn?"

"That's why imma bring extra bodies. At least two extra to makeup for it. On top a' that, we can always have them extra eyes just in case some shit we don't see or expect go down." I nodded in understanding as James nodded himself.

"Y'all got mo' questions?" We shook our heads before she turned off the projector. She then turned to me before pointing straight at me. "You. Stay in hea'." I heard Mel whisper "ooohhhh" like I'm going to the principal's office.

"Girl, fuck you."

"Bitch I know somebody you do wanna fuck." She whispered before walking out the office room I had before closing the door. I then turned to Y/n who waited on me to talk.

"You wanted to see me?" She nodded before we sat down.

"How yo' mental doin right now?" She asked genuinely. I can't even lie, it's been really good between us since she's been in New York. We've been able to talk about anything and come to an understanding with our personalities. She's also been there when I needed to talk, which let some weight off.

"It's better but I have my days." I explained as she shook her head. "But it's something I can't handle."

"That's good and everything, but you don't gotta be strong all the time. The strongest can be the most vulnerable too. That's what my grandmama told me." I smiled as I leaned in my seat while listening to her. "But I just want you to be able to come to me bout yo mental. Not just on no personal shit, but I gotta know everything so we can be prepared for whateva." I looked at her then. "Ya understand?"

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