Chapter 26

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Y/n's POV
Undisclosed Location, Abu Dhabi

"Why you not gon speak to me?" I asked him jokingly as he chose to be extremely stubborn. "You don't wanna make a new friend? I thought you would when I saw how ya became buddies wit Ant over hea'." He rolled his eyes as I sat down in the seat in front of him.

We've been in this room for about an hour and we still haven't gotten him to talk. Though it was frustrating, I had to keep with the strategies I was taught to use which was not give power to the target and instead make him confess under pressure.

"I'm not saying shit to you." I smirked before reaching over to the first piece of evidence.

"It's aight, you ain't gotta say shit." I then turned on the recording that showcased interesting footage. "But the footage can." It then illustrated his whereabouts, some being at the club. He chuckled as if I called his bluff.

"Okay, I see footage of me just going out. What's the big deal?" I then fast forwarded to the time slots where it showed him doing questionable things.

"Knew you were gon say that. Remember that night of that shooting at the club?" He shrugged while I zoomed in. "Well you see when you were tryin to get through hea', you stepped on a member of ASAP Rocky's friend's foot." A chuckle of disbelief escaped his lips as we called his bluff once again.

"Okay, what the fuck are you trying to prove? You literally have me tied up for what?" I smirked before allowing the footage to continue.

"You really keep fuckin wit me, huh."

"Not really but if you get offended, seems like a you problem." We love a little arrogant prick. I thought as we approached the part of the video that took a turn.

"You know what's funny? Soon as you started that havoc, how is it that you were able to get over to Ms. Fenty's section and attempt to grab her?" His blank expression still held yet his eyes changed tones. "But because of me being thea', yo bitch ass retreated." Before he could speak, I stopped him. "But wait, I got some mo' shit fa ya just hold tight, patna."

I then located some more evidence that I acquired from members of the IT staff of each venue Robyn was at. "This my favorite right hea'. In this one, I got recordings of ya talkin to some lil friend you got and organizing a plan shooting during that after party, huh which one was it, Ant?" I then turned to Antonio who sat down while watching the whole ordeal in amusement.

"Oh! You talkin about that Billboard Music Awards After Party, right?" I snapped my fingers before turning my attention back to Randy who stared in anger and looked like a red hot candy.

"Don't you remember, Randy Boy?" I asked while poking the top of his nose. However, he snatched his head back before attempting to look away from me. I aggressively turned his head towards me before looking him dead in the eyes. "Who the fuck did you have shoot up that venue?"
I gritted while he glared at me.

"I'm not telling." He gritted before I shook my head.

"Please don't make me have to be an asshole witcha. I really don't want to forreal and wanna make it home sooner than later." He shrugged before rolling his eyes.

"Guess we'll be here for a while." I then turned to one of my affiliates, Ibrahim before speaking to him.

"ahsul ealaa alminshafat walma'" (Get the towel and water." He nodded before going away to complete the task I gave him. I sat the computer down before he came back with the items.

"What are you doing? Washing my face?" He joked as I shrugged.

"Sumn like that." Muffled screams were heard beneath the surface of the towel as Randy attempted to breath. I counted for 10 seconds before lifting it.

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