5 / Nerves

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Even though she had been with Stray Kids for a month now Stays had yet to be informed yet about her joining the group. Chan had posted a story on the SKZ instagram which said

"We have some very important and exciting news! Join us on live tomorrow at 10am" This was when they were going to announce their new group member, Summer. Chan was so nervous that Summer would not be accepted by their fans, he knew it was absolutely crazy for her to join but he really didn't want her to get any hate for being apart of their group. He could tell that Haeun was also quite nervous about all of this. Joining them wasn't the hard part, it's telling people she joined them.

During their dance training she seemed a bit off. She was so nervous about finally being mentioned as apart of their group. "What's bugging ya sweetie?" Jisung came over to her as she was taking a sip of her water.

"It's nothing don't worry." She replied not looking at him.

"Oh cmon I know it's not nothing. Li you can tell me anything i'm always here for you." He smiled at her as she turned to look at him. For some reason those words and his genuinely caring face almost made her cry right on the spot. She didn't know why. He noticed her eyes start to get glossy.

"Can we maybe talk later tonight? I don't really want to like cry and be a baby infront of everyone right now." She laughed a little as she looked away.

"Whatever you want Haeun just let me know when you're ready." She nodded and he lightly kissed the top of her head as he walked away. This wasn't out of the ordinary for him or for any of the members, a small kiss on the head or forehead was their way of affection. But she was very happy when he did it for some reason. It made her feel calmer. She danced the rest of the night forcing herself to concentrate on the dance and only the dance. Chan was right indeed, she learned it very quickly and looked fantastic with the boys while they performed it. She knew she had to be nothing less than perfect for them and for STAY. 


Jisung was laying in bed on his phone. It was late now almost 1 in the morning.

Liannie: Hey can we talk now?

He smiled at the text.

Hannie: Yes of course :)

They both left their rooms at the same time. They looked at one another before Jisung grabbed her hand and brought her to the couch in the living room. "Ji, tomorrow Chan is telling everyone about me. What if they don't like me or what if i'm not good enough or-"

"Oh sweetie. They're going to love you. I can already tell, you're fantastic at everything you do. There's no way they would hate you." She smiled at him.

"But I'm a girl joining a boy group. Do you know how much more pressure that adds Jisung? I mean if I was in STAY I wouldn't accept it right away." She was crying a little by now, "I just want them to love me the way they love all of you."

"They're going to." She and Jisung turned their heads to see Hyunjin standing there.

"Hyunjin when did you get there? Why are you still up?" Summer was seemed worried.

"It's nothing just grabbing some water." He replied. She could tell something was bothering him.

"Hyunjin come sit with us and talk we all know there's definitely something." She smiled and patted the couch next to her. Han also smiled at Hyunjin inviting him over.

"I don't know what's wrong though." He sat down, "I just have a bad feeling about something. I feel like something is going to happen soon like, something not good. I didn't want to say anything because I know you're already really worried about meeting our fans, and I didn't want to scare you." He refused to make eye contact with her.

"Do you think this feeling has something to do with Lia?" Jisung asked.

"I can't tell." Was all he said, still not looking at either of them.

"Maybe it's because valentine's day is coming up and you don't have a girlfriend." Haeun joked, nudging him.

"It's not like you have anyone either." He rebutted.

"I live with 8 wonderful boys. I think I win." She laughed.

"Are you both feeling a little better?" Jisung asked them.

"I'm doing okay now, Hyunjin?" They both turned to him.

"A little bit but I'm still worried about this feeling. But i'll let you guys know first if anything happens." He smiled.

"You better" Summer whisper-shouted as he left. Jisung got up to go to bed as well, "Hey Ji?" He turned around, "Thank you. I really appreciate you talking with me and helping me tonight."

"I'm always here for you." He grabbed her and pulled her into a tight embrace, "Everyone is going to love you," he whispered into her ear, "just not as much as I do." He let go of her and started walking away, "Goodnight Liane." He said as he walked towards his room.

"Goodnight Jisung." She replied, if only he could see the blush on her face.

A/N: I've decided to add a little bit of tension in this chapter with Han so let me know if there's anyone else you'd want me to give some fun little moments with!

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