30 / Cake

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"Today Seungmin and I are going to bake a cake for all the birthdays this month." Felix started the live video.

"We have all the stuff laid out right here ready for us. We are also the only ones home so if this ends terribly... We lived a good life." He joked.

"Alright Seungmin we have to do the dry ingredients first." Felix told him.

"How much flour?" Seungmin asked.

"One cup." Seungmin poured the flour but it all spilled out.

"And I've already failed." He laughed.

"It's okay just scoop like a cup into the bowl." Felix started scooping with his hands.

"What are you guy-"

"AHHHHHHHH" They screamed and flour flew everywhere. Summer could not stop laughing.

"Oh my god that was priceless." She said while crying from laughing. Seungmin and Felix were also bursting out in laughter.

personA: I'm so glad I was screen recording.

Summer ran over so she was standing behind Felix and Seungmin. "Hi Stay!" She waved.

"I thought you were out with everyone else." Felix said, still recovering.

"I didn't feel like going shopping with them." She shrugged as she went to the fridge, "What are you guys trying to make?"

"A cake." Seungmin answered.

"What type of cake." She looked intrigued.


"We have to hide it from Jisung when they get back. That boy will eat all of it." She smiled, "Ill leave you boys to it, don't burn the house down."

"No stay out here with us." Seungmin pulled her back, "Put on some music."

"Okay!" She played some music on her phone and entertained from behind the two chefs, "Guys, I've been listening to Domino so much lately and I have the Han, Felix, Changbin, Hyunjin part all memorized. The HanLixBinJin part if you will."

"Never say that again." Seungmin shook his head and she stuck her tongue out at him.

I'm gonna try to do it." She played the song.

"Oh no." Felix face palmed. But some how she did it. Almost perfectly.

"Did you hear that? I actually kinda did it!" She was so proud of herself.

personA: petition to let Summer rap more in songs

"Seungmin your turn." Felix nudged him.

"Oh no. Okay okay play it Summer." She played it and he also almost did it perfectly.

"Let's go Seungmin!" She high fived him, "Han Jisung, Seo Changbin, we're coming for your title." She said to the camera.

"Seungmin add two eggs." Felix said still trying to understand the directions.

"Two eggs are in."

"Okay uhhh. Oil. We need oil." Felix looked around, "Where's the oil?" They turned to Summer.

"Felix look right in front of your face." She crossed her arms.

"Oh." He looked at the oil for a while in dis belief, "You're a witch." He laughed.

"Man I wish. That would be so cool. Imagine I just speak gibberish and then something appears." She laughed.

"Oh my god." Seungmin gasped, "When everyone gets back let's only talk in English."

"I love that idea." Felix agreed.

"Okay let's do it."


"They're coming." Summer ran to the couch with the other two boys.

"Hey guys we're home." Minho entered the house.

"How was your shopping trip?" Seungmin asked in english.

"Uh good?" Minho seemed confused.

"Oh that's so great! What stores did you go to?" Felix asked him.


"We had so much fun you guys should have came with." Jisung entered.

"Awe Dang I bet we would have had a great time. Too bad we stayed here." Summer was trying so hard not to laugh.

"Why are you guys talking in English?" Minho asked confused.

"What do you mean?" Felix asked as Jeongin, Changbin, Hyunjin and Chan came in too.

"Tell them to stop speaking in English." Minho told Chan.

"We're not speaking in English I don't know what they're talking about." Seungmin winked at Chan.

"Minho I think you're hearing things." Chan played along.

"No they definitely are." Jisung backed him up.

"I think you guys are all just a little tired. Maybe it's time you hit the hay." Summer guided them to their room.

"Hit the hay? What are you talking about?" Minho was still so lost.

"We aren't tired Summer." Jisung turned around. The timer on the cake went off, "What are you guys making?" Jisung looked at the oven, "Chocolate cake?" He gasped in happiness.

"Now he's going to eat it all." Felix sighed.

"Not all." He rolled his eyes, "I'll save a piece for Summer." He winked at her.

"Hah I'm the favorite." She looked proud of herself.

"That's just because he's in love with you." Hyunjin muttered.

"Huh? What did you say Hyunjin?" Summer asked him. Han's eyes were wide and his face was covered in blush. He shook his head at Hyunjin.

"What? Oh nothing." He pretended.

"Huh weird." She was the only one who hadn't picked up on it.

"Oh Summer." Chan spoke, "I found out who else is doing the special stage with you,"

"Oh. My. God. Who? Who? Who?" She smiled brightly.

"Yeonjun from TXT." Chan said.

"No way." She gasped.

"Tzuyu from TWICE."

"Oh my god I love her."

"Yuqi from (G)I-DLE." She practically fainted from excitement, "And they actually want Jeongin too."

"Me?" Jeongin laughed.

"Oh my god Innie we'll have so much fun." She grabbed his hand.

"They said you guys are going to be doing Tell Me by Wonder Girls." He smiled.

"This is going to be so fun!" She squealed, "I think this calls for some cake!"

"Hey I was going to eat that." Jisung sighed as she took the cake from him.

"Don't worry Hannie. You'll get some cake." She laughed, "I'll cut you a bigger one." She whispered to him. He smiled and watched her cut the cake into pieces. A part of him felt sad that she wasn't going to be home as much, another part was happy for her, but he also felt jealous. Of what? He didn't know either. Maybe he wanted to be in this special stage with her instead of Jeongin. Maybe he was scared of her meeting Yeonjun.

A/N: Yay i'm so excited! Tehe <3 Also i'm thinking about having Summer dye her hair... Perhaps during Oddinary era? I'm
not sure yet but what color do you guys think she should do?

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