119 / Rapper

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"Alley!" Summer had picked her up from the assistants house, "Hi sweet girl." She picked up the cat and hugged her close, "Thank you so much for taking such good care of her. Is there anything I can do for you?" The girl was about to say no when Summer shoved 160,000 won into her hand, "No buts okay?" She smiled and walked out of the house. The girl was left with a huge smile on her face.

"Hi Alley!" Minho greeted the cat when Summer got back. Summer set the cat down to let her roam around, of course she went up to Minho so he gave her some head scratches, "Now I miss Soonie, Doongie and Dori." He said sadly.

"Oh my god! Minho can we have a cat play date?!" Summer squealed.

"Duh we can!" Minho jumped up and the two started squealing together.

"I didn't know I was at a fifteen year old girls sleepover." Changbin laughed as he walked into the room.

"We're going to have a cat play date." Summer said.

"So Alley can meet Soonie Doongie and Dori." Minho finished.

"Can I come?!" Changbin asked.

"Do you have a cat?" Minho crossed his arms.


"Only cat owners allowed. Sorry I don't make the rules." Summer shrugged.

"But you do-"

"Shush Changbin."

"Haeun~ah!" She heard Jisung call her.

"Yeah?" She responded as he turned the corner into the living room.

"We need to-" He paused, seeing Minho and Changbin with her, "Uh Chan wants us to meet him at JYP."

"What why us?" She asked.

"You know." He said trying not to say anything in front of Minho and Changbin.

"No I don- Ohhhh! Yeah okay let me change." She skipped past him into her room.

"What's this about?" Changbin smirked.

"I don't know Chan just texted me." Jisung shrugged.

"Did he now." Minho looked at him with narrow eyes.

"Yea-Yeah. Why don't you guys believe me?" He said defensively.

"You're a terrible liar Jisung." Minho laughed.

"I know." Jisung sighed, "I'm still not telling you though."

"What why?" Changbin whined.


"Okay let's go!" She grabbed Jisung's hand and headed to the door, "Bye bye my baby girl oh mommy loves you so much." She picked up her cat and spoke in a baby voice. The boys all stared at her with disgusted expressions.

"Mommy?" Minho asked.

"Yes she's my baby." Summer nodded. The boys all looked at each other and then all bursted out in laughter, "You guys are so dirty minded." She set down her cat and then started to walk out. Jisung followed her, still laughing, "You are like a fourteen year old boy." She rolled her eyes.

"Hey you're the one who called yourself mommy." He put his hands up.

"You suck". She laughed as she got into the car. There was a driver there to take them to JYP.


"Okay what parts do you want me to sing?" She asked him. Her and Jisung were now in Chan's office, making sure they had everything down for their stage together.

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